Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [conj] if it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It seems that the establishment thinking is that if it 's been done for 175 years , it must be all right .
2 The most simplistic answer to critics of the lobby is that if it did not exist , politicians and journalists would have to invent it .
3 ‘ Our understanding is that if it does go to court , the hearing will be next year . ’
4 The commonest ( although still rare ) type of statement is that if it appears that a Bill has passed both Houses and received the Royal Assent , no court of justice can inquire into the mode in which it was introduced into Parliament , nor into what was done previous to its introduction , nor what passed in Parliament during its progress in its various stages through Parliament ( see , e.g. , Lee v Bude & Torrington Junction Railway Co ( 1871 ) LR 6 CP 577 ; Edinburgh & Dalkeith Railway Co v Wauchope ( 1842 ) 8 C1 & F 710 ) .
5 What matters for this purpose is that if it escapes it is likely to do mischief and this is the meaning to be given to ‘ dangerous thing ’ in this context .
6 Anyway , the fact is that if it had n't rained in Japan , if he had n't withdrawn from the race after a few laps and waited until the weather improved , he , not James Hunt , would have been champion .
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