Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [adv] [conj] [pers pn] have " in BNC.

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1 If I want to talk personally with my father about something and am admitted to him , he talks for an hour about something or other and then the time of the talk is over and I have not been able to say what I had wanted to say .
2 The cold war is over and we have won .
3 I have said consistently we do n't want to be the first in the industry , I would rather await either N A C O T , N A C O M or the U D M seeing what they , the outcome is there as we have traditionally done and then take it from there where you must agree that we have usually improved on their offer when it 's been made .
4 My hon. Friend is right that we have the most generous system in the developed world for supporting students .
5 the trouble is though when you have these meetings you go and people say well I do n't agree with this and I do n't agree with that and somebody says well this is n't the matter for the P T A this is a matter for the governors and then when you try and , like Gary I 'll go and approach with the governors , surely this is n't a matter for the governors , this really ought to be , you know , the ,
6 Life is exactly as we have created it .
7 A second reason is perhaps that we have not obtained many of the much-trumpeted benefits that we were promised from the original Common Market .
8 The reason for setting out these reservations at such length is not that we have any doubts about the value to consumers of credit cost information .
9 Their answer is roughly as I have outlined in Chapter 1 .
10 For many people the biggest problem with using a computer is simply that you have to type something on the keyboard to achieve anything at all .
11 I know how good he is , but it will be some pressure cauldron next Wednesday evening at Windsor and I think Jack will go with the players who have done the job for him before , and once this trial is over and we have qualified : - ) he will experiment and experiment and experiment to his hearts content .
12 He can measure every clause of what the income is , against what the expenditure is so that we have some control to ensure that the church life grows and we do n't stumble .
13 Our problem is not that we have the wrong answers to particular doubts but that we do not have the right attitude to doubt in general .
14 The time is just after you have ordered a Forfar bridie .
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