Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [adv] [adv] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But the implications for the present case are not entirely the same .
2 The statute can not be referring to the interests of all those individuals because they may differ and the interests of the majority are not necessarily the same as the interests of the State .
3 The reason is that the laws of physics are not quite the same for particles and antiparticles .
4 Women are not like that ; or at least , the details , the weaknesses they dwell on in narration are only rarely the physical ones that men delight in .
5 Mood and emotion are not entirely the same psychological phenomenon , as emotion is capable of greater refinement and of putting a person in touch with more profound experience .
6 The views of the tutors at the agricultural college were n't necessarily the same as the stern-looking old man 's , and he did n't know enough about anything to enter into an argument .
7 Game shooting is very often the primary sporting consideration and this can mean that those who want the rabbiting rights may have to accept restrictions on time and place — on guns and dogs too .
8 The grouping of the predator species in terms of incisor loss is almost exactly the same as other indicators of mandibular damage , and the main difference is that the snowy owl , which produced slightly ambivalent results for mandibular breakage , has low proportions of incisor loss ( Table 3.8 ) .
9 The nature and quality of the defendant 's conduct are therefore factors of great importance , and although the decisional process is different from that in negligence , the result is almost always the same .
10 A Santa Monica health club is so far the only place where Americans can switch E for O. In Hungary , however , such matters are more of an imperative than a luxury ; over 10 per cent of the country 's deaths are pollution-related .
11 The Bloods/Crips programme is so infinitely the best scheme for recovering LA thus far offered that I append it here in its vivacious entirety .
12 So you can immediately see that it would be quite wrong to make the mistake that people sometimes do make and think that the second model of the mind is really just the first one given new terms and that the ego is equivalent to the conscious .
13 In the latter case , the concentration is always much the weaker .
14 Monologue is certainly not the only medium .
15 ‘ Mint tea is not really the best thing for you , ’ her husband said .
16 Contrary to popular opinion the slim person 's weight is not exactly the same each day , totally stable .
17 Although a car , if you think of a car being a car , we know as consumers that one car is not exactly the same as another car , very easy to put power steering on the car or to put go faster stripes on a car , you can differentiate the product very , very easily , alright .
18 What , what we will prove to ourselves if we want to is it does n't matter where you work , the amount of time that a salesmen spends driving about in his car is almost exactly the same regardless of where he works .
19 Weber did qualify his emphasis on the coercive methods through which the state maintains order and compliance , ‘ force is certainly not the normal or only means of the state ’ ( Weber 1972 p.78 ) .
20 But an information gap is not necessarily the same as the operation of different schemata , which may be working at a deeper and less accessible level .
21 Although this pattern differs from one specimen to the next , the general effect is pretty much the same in all .
22 Yet what distinguishes the structure of Japanese industry is not only the high death rate of companies but the fact that even in the severe recession of the mid-1970s , the birth rate of new small firms exceeded the number of bankruptcies by 50 per cent .
23 are , are the same but I see the point that you 're making is that the workload is n't just the initial action plan .
24 But in the anti-colonial revolutions and the Soviet Union today external oppression is as commonly the fundamental source of the creation of a national group , no matter how much that group defines itself in relationship to inherited cultural symbols or a supposedly common past .
25 The frequency-dependence in the advantage of unrestrained fighting is probably not the only reason why natural fighting is restrained .
26 Knitting as much as possible with the garter carriage is not always the quickest way to complete a garment .
27 Second , the commoditisation of hardware , which means that maintenance is no longer the critical service it once was — if something goes wrong with a relatively cheap personal computer , for example , people have the option to simply ‘ bung it in the bin ’ without wasting too much money .
28 Thus , the FIATA freight forwarder is not generally the actual carrier of the goods , although it can carry the cargo in vehicles or vessels it owns or has leased or of which it is the designated operator .
29 That is a pity : the price of financial distress is just about the only way in which the cost of capital for firms plausibly differs between the two rivals over the longer term .
30 With the much lower production costs of the late 1980s , small circulation was no longer the same barrier to profitability .
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