Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [adv] [verb] down [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The contents of the memorandum of association are statutorily laid down by s. 2 of the Companies Act 1985 .
2 A world leader with the security industry is actually going down to the levels of the one man and a dog outfit .
3 This figure is then broken down for each of the UK countries .
4 Divided up into three groupings , the A , B , and C special constabularies , according to diminishing power , responsibility , and time commitment , the force was soon cut down to class B only and these came to be known as the ‘ B Specials ’ , a thoroughly armed , militant , semi-private , and sectarian army .
5 Investment in industry was also scaled down to 10.2 per cent from a previously projected growth range of 12.8-18.4 per cent .
6 Distantly he heard the report of another gun and felt the impact of other bullets shudder the bull 's body , but by this time its heavy black bulk was already sinking down upon him , lifeless from his own second shot .
7 This requirement is expressly laid down in the United Kingdom by section 3(1) of the European Communities Act 1972 , in the following terms :
8 Well , we had neither : the sun was already moving down into the west , making it difficult to judge depths by water colour , and the seas were definitely not moderate .
9 Ore was also carted down from a hopper at Top Level , the track crossing the beck directly below the waterfall then winding around to connect with the Levers Water — Paddy End track .
10 Here the eye is naturally drawn down to the urn at the end of the vista .
11 Their misfortune is often put down to being ‘ no one 's fault , or an accident .
12 Because it was an old house that they were renovating , and it had got so much rot in it and woodworm , and he said he said he said th there they were walking up one minute and the next minute the piano was just going down through the stairs .
13 But this raised the problem that one eye was always looking down into the sand and was effectively useless .
14 Despite the 1974–8 Kenya Development Plan stating ‘ there has been some counter productive harassment of these enterprises , which will be promptly ended ’ , in 1989 a complete informal vehicle maintenance site was abruptly closed down by the city government .
15 The submission was however inconsistent with the law as stated by this House in Reg. v. Governor of Pentonville Prison , Ex parte Sinclair [ 1991 ] 2 A.C. 64 , 81–92 , in which it was made clear in the speech of Lord Ackner ( with which the remainder of the Appellate Committee agreed ) that , under the provisions of the Extradition Act 1870 , the powers of the magistrate are specifically laid down in sections 3(1) , 8 , 9 and 10 of the Act ; and that in consequence , apart from consideration where appropriate whether the offence in question was an offence of a political character , the magistrate is not concerned with questions of foreign law at all , being concerned only with committal proceedings under English procedure in relation to an English crime or crimes specified in the Secretary of State 's order to proceed .
16 Haggis is traditionally washed down with whisky .
17 I think all that stuff is just lying down in the face of the mass media .
18 The Franco-German axis styles itself as the leading force in the Community and , while both countries make explicit reference to their special relationship in speeches in each other 's countries , the primacy of this alliance is clearly played down in the other countries of the EC , not least because it negates the whole point of having a community .
19 In 1958 at the Club 's Golden Jubilee celebrations , Charles Luker recalled his early years when the rough lived up to its name and when after each game very golf club head was well rubbed down with emery cloth to prevent it rusting .
20 In this she stated her belief that colour was not tied down to form but instead floated free , and that research into the nature of colour would lead to questions ‘ about being itself ’ .
21 A top bunk was then pulled down from the ceiling , complete with ladder .
22 This was then immediately scrubbed onto a piece of scrap paper until the charge of paint began to run out ; at that point a thin scumble was quickly put down by stabbing with the brush tip onto the background colouring .
23 There are no trees or shrubs on Fair Isle for obvious reasons — what few survive the gales and salt spray are soon nibbled down to the ground by sheep , but the ground is well cultivated in the more sheltered parts .
24 The old object is too weighed down with the clutter of history .
25 Again , for didactic ease , the argument is best broken down into its component parts .
26 The British constitution is not written down in a single legal document which enjoys a special political status above ordinary law .
27 This showed quite unequivocally that the pattern was not laid down in the egg .
28 A warm stream of urine was soon gushing down upon the naked flesh of her full white bubbies — splashing on to her stomach , and into the hollow of her throat .
29 Given the disparate sources of the Constitution and the fact that important relationships within and between organs of the state are not laid down in any one formal or binding document , it is not surprising that one must have recourse to books by constitutional scholars to discover the extent and nature of those relationships .
30 Arctic Call is often let down by his jumping and with a question mark over his race fitness I prefer BELMOUNT CAPTAIN .
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