Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [adj] to [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Academic respectability ’ prevailed and courses which might have begun to address the key question — what skills and expertise are crucial to the art of teaching and how can these best be learned and applied ? — were never developed .
2 A key element in the constitution of a company is the notion that all members of the board are responsible to the company as a whole .
3 Openness and honesty are central to the work which all Social Work Department staff do with and for the public .
4 I think you would say that the details , important to the sufferer are immaterial to the state of mind .
5 Since fast reactors can breed from the depleted uranium in the spent fuel from thermal reactors , it can be calculated that in FBR terms British stocks of depleted uranium are comparable to the country 's coal reserves .
6 Its size and mass are similar to the Earth , but too few data exist for it to be known whether its interior composition and structure are as similar .
7 What methods of payment are available to an exporter ?
8 The many shops and bars at this exceptionally pretty little resort are close to the hotel , which features a large sun terrace where drinks can be enjoyed against the backdrop of the incomparable beauty of Lake Garda .
9 The defences of volenti non fit injuria and contributory negligence are available to the employer .
10 The fine and standard gauge Silver electronics and the Knitmaster electronics are different to the punchcard machines .
11 The Knitmaster and Silver standard and fine gauge electronics are different to the punchcard for the last exercise too .
12 All young people falling into that category but over the age of 18 who have not been available for YT because of disability , ill health , pregnancy , a custodial sentence , remand or language difficulty are entitled to an offer of a suitable YT programme and to receive such training .
13 Its worship and its priests and its teaching are strange to the society in which it lives .
14 Our lives are still controlled by a distant central government , which can impose policies on the electorate and rule in Britain when nearly 60% of the electorate are opposed to the party in government and therefore have no political voice .
15 Aspects of liquidation and insolvency are subject to the Insolvency Act 1986 and the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 .
16 ‘ I would say more generally that whenever money is paid to the revenue pending the outcome of a dispute which , to the knowledge of both parties , will determine whether or not the revenue are entitled to the money , an agreement for the repayment of the money if and when the dispute is resolved in the taxpayer 's favour must inevitably be implied unless the statute itself produces that result , as it does , for example , in cases falling within paragraph 10(4) of Schedule 20 to the Finance Act 1972 .
17 Smetana 's Vltava was pleasant , beautifully in tune — parts of the piece are cruel to the wind players — but it trickled into glorious Prague like a kindly trout stream , instead of surging with splendour .
18 It should be clear from Fig. 2.1 that the services of labour are crucial to the working of an economic system .
19 Performance will increase with experience wherever knowledge , skill and practice are relevant to the job .
20 Concepts such as ’ semantically correct ’ and ’ semantically incorrect ’ remain somewhat contentious , and in practice are inessential to the text recognition problem : the measure of success is not found in adherence to some formal semantic proof but simply the ability to choose the same word as a human observer would .
21 That history , from one perspective , could be seen as a consistent struggle to retain Lukács ' legacy in which history , the dialectic and the totality are interdependent to the extent that each is essential to the operation of the other in the production of a Marxist science .
22 The concept of socialisation , and the situational understanding of social action are central to the research .
23 The case study shows that respondent attitudes towards the purchase , usage context and use of cotton wool are subject to a number of the behavioural influences discussed " in chapters ten , eleven , and twelve .
24 We believe that a continuation of this activity could in the long term be detrimental to the welfare of their less privileged neighbours , who have to depend on a weekly wage for their survival ’ .
25 How , in that case , could late 1960s progressive rock be specific to the counterculture ?
26 This may be partly explained by the large study population needed to show even a modest advantage ; the statistical power of the study being proportional to the number of deaths within the population .
27 The Prison Officers Association were hostile to the inquiry throughout .
28 Yet those elements you mention were true to the life most young people in particular knew at the time .
29 Catholicism as an ideology and the Church as an institution were central to the strength of Spanish conservatism both before and during the Republic , thanks to the power not only of school , pulpit and press , but also of a large and comprehensive network of church-sponsored social , professional and farmers ' organizations within which much of the Catholic population was enmeshed .
30 When the political dictatorships had been overthrown several alternative courses of action were open to the successor regimes .
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