Example sentences of "[noun sg] be [verb] up [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The department was set up four years ago when responsibility for NMS property passed to the Museums ' Trustees .
2 The store development programme was stepped up last year with seven new store openings , compared with only three the previous year , bringing the total at year end to 79 .
3 Nona stared at the grey river where the wind was picking up little waves and throwing them against the walls of the river walk .
4 A number of places in the faculty are taken up each year by students who are already , or are about to become , graduates in other disciplines .
5 But the corridor is lit up both ways .
6 The project has decimated the Amazon forest and led to the deaths of 1,000 Indians since their habitat was opened up 10 years ago .
7 The German-American Academic Council was set up this month on the initiative of Germany to support projects and exchanges in science , including social science , and technology .
8 My Lords , I took the opportunity knowing this question was coming up last Friday to spend an entire morning on the site in the building
9 The aim is to open up higher education to under-represented groups through provision which offers enhanced support plus guaranteed further training at the end of one year .
10 Your daddy 's giving up important business .
11 Loper is following up recent research by several scientists , particularly H. Weber and colleagues of the Institute of Toxicology in Zurich , Switzerland and John Brooker at the University of Adelaide , Australia : Weber found that dogs fed massive doses of one type of dioxin , TCDD , detoxified the chemical with the liver enzyme , cytochrome p 450 mon-oxygenase , and Brooker used chick embryos as a source of the enzyme to track down the messenger RNA responsible for producing it .
12 An important part of the preventive routine is keeping up good posture , whether standing , sitting or walking .
13 A change programme ‘ start-up ’ team was set up last month under the leadership of control supervisor Ian Mincher , comprising Stuart Brown ( operations ) , Brian Groat ( control ) , Clive Watt ( electrical ) , Bob Vice ( mechanical ) , James Johnson ( operations support ) and Kenny Pearson ( operations ) .
14 Scott 's network job was taking up more time and concentration than he 'd expected .
15 It was because of these attacks that a Public Enquiry into the issue of political vetting was set up three years ago .
16 The campaign against the extraction and use of peat was set up last spring by a group of environmental and conservation organisations , led by the Royal Society for Nature Conservation , in order to try and protect what remains of Britain 's lowland bog areas .
17 And Dennis Garvey 's body was washed up two days later on the Suffolk coast .
18 There have to be , there are particular reasons why er after revolutionary upheavals you very often get authoritarian forms of government and I would say in Russia and i i in a sense it 's linked with Harold 's question as well about erm the Chinese following a Stalinist model of economic reconstruction think what you 've actually got in Russia is not this sort of mass hankering after authoritarianism but you 've got a situation where the bureaucracy that controls a completely devastated , backward economy , which is what they 've actually got in the early nineteen twenties , where the working class democracy has just disappeared really with , with the , with the economic collapse , with the factories shutting down , with all of the old communist party militants going into the Red Army or getting sucked into the state bureaucracy with that sort of complete collapse really , economically and socially and politically , you 've got a situation where the central priority of the leadership is to build up Russian industry as quickly as possible so that Russia has got the armed forces it needs
19 Tens of thousands of East Berliners streamed to the West , unhindered for the first time since the Wall was put up 28 years ago .
20 According to Mason , ‘ The foundation was set up six months ago before the Canaletto 's sale was made public .
21 Painting software 's most practical use is to clean up scanned-in photographs to improve the output quality .
22 One simple self-assessment method is to draw up two columns : one lists recent achievements , the other further needs ( Table 6.3 ) .
23 When the Video Library was set up ten years ago by the non-profit-making association , Jeunesse et Arts Plastiques , I suggested to Jean Antoine that he should keep a U-matic video copy .
24 One of the growing practices in modern legislation is to set up supervisory bodies , or ‘ watchdogs ’ , to monitor the effects of the law in society .
25 When the shopping centre was locked up that night , Ray Coary the manager praised my work , and tried to press an envelope on me .
26 ‘ Your lot are slinging up tower-block hotels all round the coast and stamping out the olive groves .
27 One frame of the film is exposed every six seconds and if the film is then shown at 24 frames a second , the motion is speeded up 144 times and provides a dramatic picture of the cells ' behaviour .
28 The African Development Bank is to draw up new guidelines for funding projects in the forestry sector .
29 Alan Eastwood believes the the answer is to lock up young offenders instead of releasing them to commit further crimes .
30 A special freephone advice line was opened up last Tuesday and was swamped by hundreds of callers .
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