Example sentences of "[noun sg] bring [adv] a [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 The repercussions of the Cold War in Europe and the adoption of the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Aid brought about a change in thinking in Washington .
2 on last year , we now have one of the lowest growths in manufactured output in Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries , and 3,000 manufacturing jobs are being lost every day , why did the Government fail yesterday to take any action to bring about a recovery in wealth-creating manufacturing industry ?
3 Here the object of make is felt to be completely under the sway of the subject and so to have no initiative of its own : the causal agent brings about a change in this object in an immediate fashion without any room for a condition–consequence or stimulus–reaction relationship .
4 In effect , they were tending to the view that the very change in law brings about a change in the nature of society and human relationships within it .
5 It is certainly possible that the confluence of various tides of change in assessment policy will prove instrumental in creating a wave of sufficient magnitude to bring about a revolution in attitudes to 16+ certification : of generating a degree of momentum that no single initiative could achieve by itself .
6 The development of rationalization brings about a change in the relationship of these two processes .
7 Gilmore said , ‘ The army has worked with the civil authority to bring about a reduction in violence and will continue to do so as long as it is necessary . ’
8 But yesterday Alan Milburn , Labour 's parliamentary candidate for Darlington , said : ‘ It is Conservative Party policy as well as Labour Party policy to bring about a reduction in tobacco consumption .
9 But Mr Milburn said : ‘ It is Conservative party policy as well as Labour Party policy to bring about a reduction in tobacco consumption .
10 This challenge can be very threatening to men and to white people , partly because changing your interpretation of the world is an uncomfortable experience , and partly because a change of attitudes inevitably causes social change , and this in turn brings about a shift in power relationships .
11 The impotence of the two parties to the wage bargain to bring about a reduction in the real wage rate is what makes Keynesian unemployment involuntary .
12 The idea that modernization brings about a shift in criminal activity from violence to theft has also been put forward by scholars who do not necessarily accept that violence increases at the beginning of the modernization process .
13 It is necessary to assume , for instance , that the complete absence of an event can function as a US ; that some mechanism exists whereby whatever association is formed during conditioning brings about a reduction in the magnitude of the unconditioned response ( i.e. the attentional response ) initially evoked by the stimulus that is trained as the CS .
14 In 1968 Michael Young and Patrick McGeeney invented what they described as the " syllogism of parental participation : a rise in the level of parental encouragement augments children 's performance at school , teachers by involving parents in the school bring about a rise in the level of parental encouragement and teachers by involving parents in the school augment the children 's performance " ( p. 107 ) .
15 In order to bring about a deterioration in the patient 's condition with low potency remedies one would have to keep on repeating the wrong remedy many times and even then it is unlikely that much would happen unless the patient were particularly frail and weak , in which case they should be having constitutional treatment to boost their overall state and not ‘ first aid ’ treatment for the little bits that go wrong .
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