Example sentences of "[noun sg] although it [be] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They escaped with the vehicle although it was later found with its contents , forty thousand pounds worth of clothing , still inside .
2 ( In fact Henley 's soup kitchen for poor children was still in service although it was soon to close ) .
3 If a document resembles the form of a debenture although it is not called such , the usual rights and liabilities accrue to the holder .
4 There is actually a thin path to the summit although it is not indicated on the OS maps and in mist would be difficult to locate .
5 There was however no detailed evidence of the employer 's turnover or size although it was not disputed that the profit under the contract amounted to $10.8 million .
6 In horses , its prevalence is difficult to establish since infections rarely become patent although it is frequently incriminated as a cause of chronic coughing .
7 She had lived there for some time although it is not known where she lived before coming to Darlington .
8 Tony Visconti : ‘ Space Oddity ’ had been recorded and released at this time although it was not selling .
9 Opposite Marks and Spencers bazaar was an arcade providing a short cut through to The Market although it was always closed on Sundays , with locked gates at either end .
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