Example sentences of "[prep] whether it [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Further , it is assumed that units of consumers ' and producers ' surplus can be added and subtracted , i.e. a unit of surplus represents the same quantity of benefit irrespective of whether it accrues to the buyer or seller .
2 So extraordinary was this bird and so little was known about it , that previously naturalists had been divided as to whether it belonged to the vulture or the gallinaceous race .
3 Where an instrument transfers property in contemplation of the sale of the property at a later date , its treatment will depend on whether it falls within the terms of s 90 , FA 1963 .
4 However , this is only on procedural grounds and not , as in the United States , on the merits of the decision , that is on whether it conforms to the judicial view of what the constitution requires .
5 In order to facilitate consideration of the national court 's question ( 2 ) it appears advisable to divide it into sections depending on whether it relates to the nationality or the place of residence of the owners and operators ( ‘ operator ’ covers charterers , managers or operators within the meaning of section 14(1) ( c ) of the Act of 1988 ) , or to the place from which the vessel is operated , and hence to reformulate it as follows :
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