Example sentences of "[prep] place with a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The saddle screws can be held in place with a tiny dab of superglue applied with a pin — do n't worry , the glue will not fix them permanently .
2 He had removed the jacket of his white linen suit but the sense of decorum bred into him by his aristocratic Virginian upbringing compelled him to retain its matching vest and a cravat of maroon silk held in place with a small diamond pin .
3 Most have a metallic finish , and are bonded in place with a special primer .
4 Pin turning , then hold it in place with a large herringbone stitch or serging , ( page 33 ) stopping approximately 25cm ( 10in ) from the bottom edge in order to complete mitred corners .
5 Hold it in place with a rubber band .
6 Smooth and press in place with a wet finger .
7 To transform Rob into a sexy Jason Priestly look-alike hair was dried back from the face and held in place with a light application of Cossack Hairspray ( £1.76 ) .
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