Example sentences of "[prep] those [Wh pn] would [vb infin] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 When reading books illustrated by a Maurice Sendak or a Charles Keeping , children are brought into contact with the visual ideas of artists — ideas of those who would extend their ability to see works of art ( and the world about them ) with increasingly-experienced eyes .
2 Argyll 's reply included a counter-warning against listening to the counsel of those who would persuade him to ‘ blood-letting and burning of poor men , to make your Lordship serve their wicked appetites ’ .
3 Unfortunately , by its campaigns of recent years the BMA has rendered itself virtually impotent in its defence of the profession against those who would shackle it .
4 And it is not just the movement that is confused ; the financial status of the housewife is as much of a poser for those who would confirm women 's traditional role as for those who would change it .
5 It is intended both for those who want to do practical or legal work for human rights organizations , and for those who would find it an outstanding preparation for research degrees in Law , Philosophy and Politics .
6 ‘ Protect us from those who would twist our human heritage , ’ he recommenced .
7 ‘ Being informed by Lord Hastings of your situation and assured by him that my lord of Gloucester intends no harm to the king your son — but , on the contrary , desires only to protect him from those who would harm him — on learning of this an hour ago whilst in my bed at York House , I at once arose and came hither . ’
8 It is not possible for those who are weak to apply this soul force for it makes great demands on those who would use it .
9 The commission 's role was to ensure that land allocated for development was in fact developed , by channelling it to those who would develop it .
10 By due process of law we have sentenced him to be slit in the hamstrings to be an example to those who would follow him and make him a hero to the people .
11 What 's your advice to those who 'd sell their souls for a career playing guitar ?
12 This is a large élite as élites go , conscious of its privileges and its place , and possessing real instruments of power over those who would challenge it .
13 And you ca n't seriously characterise a nation 's ballet strength by those who would risk anything to escape it .
14 This has something of the smack of a ‘ like it or not ’ pronouncement of the kind commonly declaimed by those who would have us suppose that opposition to things we do not like would be pointless .
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