Example sentences of "[prep] being the [noun] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A toddler who learns that a fit of anger or temper brings her mother 's anxious ministrations , or the limelight of being the centre of attention for a roomful of people , will work herself up into more tempers .
2 Her cheeks were already aglow from a combination of the heat and the exhilaration of being the centre of attention , and this had lent an extra , youthful radiance to her beauty .
3 But second key-noter Dr Arno Penzias , vice president of Research at AT&T 's Bell Labs , who besides being a Nobel prize winner has the additional claim to fame of being the boss of Unix creators Ken Thomson and Dennis Ritchie , disagreed .
4 In some cases the State conducting the investigation ( by virtue of being the State of occurrence ) sought only to exonerate the services ( chiefly air traffic control and navigational services ) from any involvement in the cause of the accident while at the same time being content to attribute the cause of the accident to some shortcoming on the part of the pilots without seeking to find out why they made such mistakes .
5 Conscious of being the trapper here , and unaware of being the gull of Don John 's plot , Claudio moves uneasily between verse and prose , comedy and seriousness , not fully at home in either .
6 French was widely used over North Africa , the Middle East and southeast Asia , and had the additional advantage of being the language of diplomacy .
7 So tired of being the target of insults .
8 Baghdad 's accusing Tehran of being the servants of Zionism was a reference to the Israeli role in resupplying Iran 's armed forces in what came to be known as Irangate ; in a broadcast in February 1986 , Baghdad radio named the Israeli agent Colonel Nimrudi , who featured prominently in separate coverage of the affair .
9 ‘ But note that this is quite different from attributing to the Church in its established structures the dignity of being the Kingdom of Christ .
10 Thus there is generally a presumption that business agreements are intended to be legally binding , and the courts generally accept an element of imprecision in business agreements so that " the dealings of men may so far as possible be treated as effective and that the law may not incur the reproach of being the destroyer of bargains " ( per Lord Tomlin in Hillas v Arcos [ 1932 ] All ER Rep 494 , at p499 ) .
11 Posidonius shows no awareness of living after Accius and Lucilius and of being the contemporary of Varro — indeed , strictly speaking , he is not even aware of the potentialities of his pupil Cicero in the world of the mind .
12 Mr Patten lost his seat of Bath despite being the architect of Mr Major 's 21-seat majority .
13 The man now charged with being the supremo of rebuilding , Peter Ueberroth , is the unattractive entrepreneur who delivered the Olympic Games to commerce in Los Angeles in 1984 and who introduced the timeclock into baseball , the better to convenience advertisers .
14 Anita Harris , who followed Camel with Carry on Doctor in 1968 — playing a nurse who looked more sexy in her cap and apron than she had as a belly dancer in the earlier film — suffered from being the butt of Ken 's jokes in both pictures .
15 His record for the Urdd and the community generally spans four decades , from being the secretary of Llangwm Aelwyd , where he grew up , to founding and leading two senior branches at Capel Garmon and Bro Cernyw .
16 Try to restrain from being the centre of attention by constantly talking .
17 She preferred laughter and skylarks to solid endeavour and while she could be noisy she shied away from being the centre of attention .
18 The Open School 's approach of learning more fully through experience will help enable Johannesburg 's black children move on from being the victims of apartheid to grasping and using the challenges now facing them in the changing South Africa .
19 Far from being the end of politics , defeat should mark the resumption of politics for the Labour movement ; or at any rate , political thought .
20 From being the bogey of bankers , we are becoming the bankers ' friend .
21 This authentic canal house lays claim to being the home of Mata Hari .
22 Penguins at Birdland are used to being the centre of attraction , some even starred in the last Batman movie .
23 Every member of the Royal Family enjoys star status ; they are used to being the centre of attention and there is strong unstated rivalry between them .
24 Andrew is used to being the centre of attention , especially after last summer when he did the unthinkable by stepping down as captain of Camborne to join Redruth , their neighbours and rivals — Cornish rugby 's equivalent of a footballer leaving Manchester United for City .
25 As the Prince of Wales , he was used to being the centre of attention and the focus of flattery and praise .
26 But let me show you exactly what we I 'll I 'll bring in to being the list of businesses which we invite the golf club to forward to us .
27 As one further measure of the rapport that was established , most respondents eventually became assured enough in her presence to express their feelings about being the subject of research .
28 There were problems about being the carrier of bills , final demands , and offensive advertising material , but as far as Caro knew Bryony overcame her scruples sufficiently to deliver all mail except for a succession of very obvious plain brown envelopes , which were frequently sent to one particular address on her route .
29 There are no relations of power without resistances ; the latter are all the more real and effective because they are formed right at the point where relations of power are exercised ; resistance to power does not have to come from elsewhere to be real , nor is it inexorably frustrated through being the compatriot of power .
30 — Salzburg is most famous for being the birthplace of Mozart .
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