Example sentences of "[prep] being [noun] of a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In Joseph Rowntree 's words , this ensured ‘ that residents should not be placed in the position of being recipients of a bounty ’ .
2 Also without evidence , Orrin G. Hatch ( Utah ) accused her of being part of a plot by civil rights activists to smear Thomas .
3 Both men were accused of being part of a plot to assassinate UNITA leader Jonas Savimbi .
4 Few managers admit that boredom is a threat to the job but equally few would deny that being part of a pilot scheme or of being part of a trial run of new development can carry with it some air of excitement .
5 You are standing on someone else 's design — like a piece on a chess board — and you are always conscious of being part of a whole .
6 Evidence that drug-related corruption had penetrated Venezuelan institutions came with the arrest in June of Adolfo Ramirez Torres , a former governor of the Federal District of Caracas , who was accused of being part of a cocaine smuggling ring .
7 Common observation suggests that other social groups enjoy the conviviality and sociability of being part of a crowd and find open spaces ‘ with nothing to do ’ dead and unappealing .
8 The happy muddle of the Rectory drawing-room , the flushed children , the feeling of belonging , of being part of a group of humans who all wanted her , among whom she could be entirely herself , all seduced her stay .
9 The fashionable question ‘ How does the head office add value ? ’ would be clearer if it asked , ‘ When and why does a firmlet gain from being part of a company ? ’
10 She looked very young , as if she was wearing her first evening dress ; and in this photo she looked less heavy-featured ; rather piquant , a touch of mischief , almost a shy delectation in being queen of a cabinet of curiosa .
11 Secondly , some members of the Community and some applicants — Ireland and Sweden , for example — would find difficulty in being members of a Community with a defence role .
12 If anyone would be interested in being part of a prayer support group for either of our link families could they please contact either Freda Kennedy or Bill Howieson .
13 ‘ For that to be possible , it would , of course , be essential for what is now East Germany to accept fully both the liberal democratic institutions of the Federal Republic and the rights and obligations involved in being part of a member state of the European Community . ’
14 He made it clear that , as well as a commitment from ‘ day one ’ to legislation on proportional representation , followed by a referendum , he would insist on being part of a coalition government with Cabinet posts for his MPs .
15 I 'm now , I 'm not retiring , I 'm just going back to being part of a member from my Hampshire Council of Community Service , and I shall be writing , of course , very rude letter , if the services and the communications of letters do n't come up to standards .
16 Another member of the group , Tim Raine , refers to being part of a team that includes service planners and providers .
17 This section ( 1 ) disqualifies persons in certain trades from acting in any way as a member of a board , ( 2 ) disqualifies a person holding a disqualifying interest in a company from taking part in proceedings in which the company is an applicant or an objector , ( 3 ) disqualifies an employee of a licence holder under the Act , and any person engaged in a business dealing with alcoholic liquor , including the directors , officers and employees of companies engaged in such businesses from acting as a member of a licensing board , ( 4 ) disqualifies a member of a board , who is the owner or tenant of premises , from acting in the granting of a certificate in respect of those premises , ( 5 ) makes it an offence to contravene the section , ( 6 ) declares , subject to the proviso ( that the grant of a new licence is not liable to objection on the ground that one or more of the members of the board who granted it were not qualified to act ) , anything done in contravention of the section void , and ( 7 ) exempts members of a committee to determine the distribution of licences in a new town from disqualification for being members of a board by reason of their membership of the committee .
18 The judgement found that the trade unionists had been penalized for being members of a trade union .
19 T is to ensure By being author of a hardback book , That we are handled by a book reviewer To make a change from endless drama critics .
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