Example sentences of "[prep] how [noun] [vb mod] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 These competing perspectives on the range of viable solutions will flow also from the fact that theories normally carry with them implicit and explicit notions of how society ought to be structured .
2 The increasing importance of a senior participant 's ability in management and organization led to the conversion of traditional heads from being people of experience and goodwill ( and who had a sense of how things ought to be ) into planners and implementers .
3 But even a new house , as freshly conceived as the Dairy at Blaise , in response to a fiction of how life ought to be , has a wayward personality of its own , produced by the subconscious , both individual and collective , of its makers .
4 He says that the photo reminds him of how Sharpness used to be .
5 This wider meaning comprehends the normative attitudes held by the people towards government , their conception of how power ought to be regulated , of what it is proper to do and not to do .
6 It is pointless.and harmful to hark back to how things used to be , although the conflict of loyalties may be hard to handle .
7 One of the best known approaches as to how decisions ought to be made is that of Simon , who developed the behaviour alternative model .
8 Through events of different kinds we are likely to be put in touch with aspects of ourselves which previously have been overlooked — we are given a jolt , and have to make a bridge between how things used to be and how they threatened .
9 The history of administrative ideas and management theory is a history of prescriptive statements about how organizations ought to be structured to achieve their goals ( Abrahamsson 1977 ) .
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