Example sentences of "[prep] her [coord] [verb] [adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Then he leaned towards her and took both her hands in his and began to study them as if they were entirely new creations , the like of which he had never seen before .
2 She laughed , a response that pleased him , then he stepped towards her and took both her hands in his , gazing steadily down at her , serious once more .
3 He came towards her and held out her glass to her , then seated himself in one of the armchairs opposite .
4 Nicolo let go of her and threw up his hands .
5 so I mean she 's , she 's she 's and I said to her when when all the things were going wrong with I had to have a lot of chats with her and said well you you 've got to prove that you can rebound from this
6 She threw Carla from her and looked around her wild-eyed , like an animal seeking an escape route .
7 His poem ‘ Maud ’ is said to be about her and reveals how his advances , as the son of a country parson , were not approved of by her guardians .
8 Do you do you not think it would be better for us both to speak to ? speak to her and say obviously you were upset about not getting the job but this non- communication thing is not really erm going to you know be good for the sales office in the long term .
9 He looked at her and understood why her parents had given her the name .
10 He smiled at her and picked up their luggage .
11 Mrs Wallington took one look at her and put down her own coffee cup .
12 The priest glanced at her and threw up his hands .
13 She looked to the young man as if for reassurance , and he smiled back and nodded for Ellie to go on in , which she did without , much to her surprise , suddenly finding herself sitting upright at home in bed , clutching her thin bedding around her and wondering how her mind could imagine such things .
14 A sharp breeze blew around her and brought on it a faint but unmistakable odour of horses .
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