Example sentences of "[prep] her [subord] [pron] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Candida was all very well , but since returning to Portugal she had found her relations and was settling happily into her new life , and Sara was loth to share any secrets with her because she knew that she was incapable of keeping them to herself .
2 Darcy focuses his own feelings on an Eritrean woman , a ‘ splendid bureaucrat ’ now based in Frankfurt but currently visiting the front line to renew her networks of information , and dreams hazily of a future sexual relationship with her until he discovers that she had once undergone , at the hands of the Dergue , such stomach-churning extremes of physical torture that ‘ my distance from such a height of anguish disqualified me . ’
3 There was something vulnerable in her as she slept that contradicted the determination in her face when she was awake .
4 Her heart beat crazily within her as she recalled that the last time she 'd seen him she had hit him with all her might — and from the look of fury on his face he was not easily going to forgive her !
5 An unexpected pang lanced through her as she realised that after today fitzAlan would no longer stand between her and the rest of the world .
6 To tell you the truth Brenda , I 'm very sorry for her because I think that she and Ned have made a really a quite ferocious mess of their life , they 've never intended to be slaving away to be doing kitchen fitting , he wanted to do wood sculpture that was he 's idea in
7 My heart ached for her as I realised that she had joined the ranks of so many others I had known , who had watched their men fly off into the dusk , never to be heard of again .
8 His eyes were n't even on her when he said that , and Ruth could n't take it seriously .
9 Restored by a large steak , he explained to her as they ate that he liked to work very quickly on a murder case , pushing everyone to get an answer .
10 He spoke in a calm voice to her for he thought that the wind was upsetting her , but she took no notice and came at him again , and again .
11 ‘ I do n't know what it will do to her when she hears that they 're the wrong bodies . ’
12 He slammed a fist up at her as if the force of his gesture could throw her the last five feet , and screamed at her although he knew that she could n't hear .
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