Example sentences of "[prep] any [adj] [noun pl] that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 She spoke of him occasionally , as if blithely unaware of any possible alter-egos that he might have .
2 Harold , rather forgetful of his purpose , proceeded to upbraid the guests in a positively violent fashion and then , when he had run out of personal ammunition , he said to Haines , ‘ Joe , tell them of any specific complaints that we have .
3 Yeah , I I ca n't think of any other things that you know that would have led to us sort of withdrawing our labour , e everything else could 've settled amicably or through discussions with the union .
4 She 's versioned the things that should be versioned and has put out a request to others in the division for copies of any other forms that we use that do n't feature in procedures .
5 Could you think of any other words that we could use to describe Manyara the eldest sister ?
6 In the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries this cursive italic style gained ground as an alternative to secretary , although as Hector says ( op cit ) , ‘ By 1600 it was being written with such magnificent disregard of any calligraphical rules that it might be illegible to the writer 's contemporaries and compatriots . ’
7 Also , if during the examination you think of any fresh authorities that you do not propose to incorporate at once in your script , make a similar note of them on your question paper .
8 There are also several creatures which , while they seem to be related to the segmented worms , are rather more complex in structure and quite unlike any other animals that we know , living or fossil .
9 Again depending on what they 've currently got cos again we 've got to dove-tail this plan into any current arrangements that they 've already got .
10 We wish to continue as a Direct Grant school in friendly co-operation with the local authorities , and we are prepared to be flexible in any new arrangements that we may be able to make together , but we feel that we must preserve the quality , traditions , and record of this School and keep faith with the benefactions of the past and present .
11 Whilst we would like to reserve our position over any additional conditions that we or others may wish to propose in future , we support the County Council 's conditions , as drafted .
12 We look very carefully at any new posts that we create , and we constantly look to see whether there are posts that we can get rid of erm and we have , in fact , shed a great many posts erm over the last year erm and we are constantly reviewing the efficiency of our service delivery .
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