Example sentences of "[prep] me [conj] [pers pn] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It 's very odd , but I find Margaret Thatcher enormously attractive — this may tell you much more about me than I really want you to know .
2 ‘ Of course you 'd change your mind about me if you really knew me — ’
3 And there 's loads of people round about me and I just went wurgh !
4 ‘ The Test match fulfils an ambition for me that I never thought would be possible in my time , ’ he said .
5 I have also of course been very excited by the new doors that have opened up for me that I never knew existed .
6 It was waiting for me when I recently returned from Namibia where lesbians and gay men are isolated and unrecognized , and have no solidarity network .
7 That was not really convenient for me as I often did not know at what time I would return from saying Mass in the outstations .
8 I mean , he had no idea about what possibilities there were for me and he just looked at it as a very , very dodgy profession to want to go into .
9 and he says he 's after me and he just puts his arm round me and then he 's alright after that
10 For the first time ever , my pride got the better of me and I desperately looked round for some means of defending myself .
11 After all those years of being told I was fat , I had the evidence in front of me and I suddenly realised what everyone had been going on about .
12 And God was very good to me there , I was n't the brightest in the year and I had to work very hard , but God always was with me as I always passed my exams much to my surprise .
13 Look , Bob Newman has worked with me as you well know .
14 ‘ But as soon as we got to the line I realised he was going to keel over with me and I just hopped off in time .
15 ‘ A midwife went through it all with me and I actually asked her to reassure me that nothing I was doing could harm my own baby , ’ she remembers .
16 The neighbours do n't have nothing to do with me and I only see me mam once a week or so .
17 You 're having some row between yourselves and it 's nothing to do with me and you never want to listen to me and — ’
18 Running behind him just seemed effortless and when I kicked he did n't go with me and he gradually dropped back as I kept the pace up . ’
19 ‘ I floored the car into reverse and dragged him with me until he finally got smart and let go .
20 Erm , you 'll have to bear with me because I just marked the page as I went through .
21 I wo n't be held by a promise that was unfairly extracted from me before I legally became an adult .
22 I found that I had far more anger in me than I ever realized .
23 She had hit a note of such deep truth in me that I just sat looking at her .
24 Something changed in me and I suddenly felt very scared , but Keith said do n't worry about a thing , I 'll take care of you .
25 It seems to me that they now resent the presence of the other fish .
26 I 'm always a little bit worried about them because it seems to me that they almost define the syllabus in terms of what you can ask four reasonable questions in terms of alternatives about .
27 erm then erm what I 'll do I 'll pick it up next week and that will obviously show you a bit more about Abbey Life and any , any of your friends or anybody you think might , might like to look at the video erm you know just to give them an insight , people you mentioned erm to me that you perhaps know you 'd like to pass the video on to them to have a look erm and if er er you 've got my number and if you want to ring me then I can get some more videos if you think other people might be interested I 'm quite happy to pass them on , on to you as well , okay ?
28 Many girls said to me that you never recover from anorexia or bulimia or compulsive eating , but having suffered from all three for over seven years , I can say very strongly that this need not be true .
29 And it occurred to me that I neither knew how many the family owned nor how difficult mine would be to replace .
30 It is a source of some sadness to me that I now find myself on the other side of the fence from Samuel Brittan in the debate on managed and fixed currencies .
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