Example sentences of "[prep] him [conj] [pers pn] [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 I used to look after him while he played with his favourite toys .
2 It was recorded of him that he sang with the monks in the divine offices ; when taunted by the king for his clerkly tastes , he responded that an illiterate king was a crowned ass ( a cliché much favoured in twelfth-century Angevin circles , for it sprang from a sense of family superiority — the counts of Anjou were , by any standards , learned men ) .
3 Charles was only ever jealous of him when he served with some distinction as a helicopter pilot during the Falklands war .
4 He looks up at his direct opposite Martin and then adds , ‘ Secretly I agree with him and he agrees with me , and we both agree to differ …
5 He looks up at his direct opposite Martin and then adds , ‘ Secretly I agree with him and he agrees with me , and we both agree to differ …
6 Benjamin and I stayed well away from him as he consulted with Dacourt and Clinton .
7 We have a son , aged 15 , and he says it would be more convenient for him if he stayed with his father .
8 She had told him a tale , looking slyly at him while she played with his left hand .
9 Jenna looked across at him as they sat with their coffee in the sitting-room that still bore the signs of her mother 's impeccable taste .
10 Her terrified eyes gazed at him as she stood with his back to her , both hands braced against the door , staring at the ground between his feet .
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