Example sentences of "[prep] them [to-vb] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 You 've got to go and ask for them to take you on the erm
2 Many Heads have expressed to me their appreciation of what the lu Labour Group has done for them to rescue them from the plight that the Tories imposed on them .
3 It would be professionally improper for them to interest themselves in the social or leisure activities of their pupils ; and it would be unsuitable to their professionalism if they were involved in purely supervisory or ancillary duties , which are carried out , where necessary , by unqualified assistants .
4 It is clearly laid down in the Act that it is for them to consider whether or not the nuisance exists , whether or not it has been abated , and whether it still exists , and , if it does , it is for them to consider which of the requirements of the abatement notice are to be carried out or how otherwise the nuisance is to be abated .
5 We 're talking here of protection , of they ca n't have waiver of premium because of ill-health , they 're not going to be able to have living assurance , so it , it 's not an option really for them to have one without the other , because it 's an automatic protection that , that really should be the basis of somebody 's package of their health commitment to have it .
6 They bound and gagged two children and then forced one of them to take them to the money .
7 In return she showed them the Daimler and invited forty of them to visit her on the Dockers ' yacht , Shemara , where pink champagne was served amid costly fitments which were often detailed in the newspapers .
8 It had taken two of them to free me from the current and I was so relieved .
9 Now the thing that worries me is that the N R A and our linkage with them is I do n't think it 's early days for them and they have n't got the the power and the erm law behind them to enforce it as the way which I think most of us would like to think of have a erm erm an organization tha that can in fact start bringing the law in that if people fail to do what they say erm so that aspect I think I now Chris also mentioned this erm tilting in West Sussex and again that mentioned in the structure plan , because I six mill a year but in ten years that 's two and a half inches .
10 Their memory and remembrance — rediscovered and kept alive in historical reconstruction and actualized in ritual celebration — encourage us in historical solidarity with them to commit ourselves to the continuing struggle against patriarchy in society and church .
11 Stockton North MP Frank Cook said : ‘ You can picture the scene : a consultant walks into a care unit with five or six patients struggling , fighting for their lives and says : ‘ Hands up those who have 15 breaths left in them to make it round the corner . ’
12 After playing through figs 5 and 6 it is a good idea to record some major or ‘ 5 ’ ♯4/♯11 chords such as those in fig 4 ( resolved to either a sus4 or the major on the same root ) and put in some time improvising over them to familiarise yourself with the sound and feel of the scale .
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