Example sentences of "[prep] what [pers pn] [verb] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 Well er if you looked at the I 'll give you one or two averages and and I have to say that these are figures that are a mixture of what we know from the industry and what we what we know from our own company .
2 They pinch most of what they say from the student press in America and throw in a few tags from Colonel Ojukwu .
3 Thompson encouraged acceptance of this compromise since in private talks with Sturge he became convinced that in return its critics would get most of what they wanted from the BFASS .
4 The report should be between 750 and 1000 words in length and contain an explanation of what you learnt from the visit .
5 It 's largely a matter of what you want from the loft , and how much you want to spend .
6 A very clear definition of what you want from the historian 's text .
7 That at least was the gist of what I gathered from a long complex explanation .
8 Perhaps their uncharacteristic restraint was something to do with what they heard from the platform about BP 's business outlook .
9 ‘ From … from what I gathered from the nurse it was n't as serious as they at first thought .
10 It 's not as good a show , musically or dramatically , as Wonderful Town or The Most Happy Fella most definitely are , but so much depends on what you want from a musical , and this is the one that I will return to repeatedly , just for the sheer fun of it .
11 What Marshall and Clock did was to vary certain aspects of text structure , and look at the effect in terms of how well subjects were able to write about what they recalled from the passage in question .
12 Independent travellers are generally and altogether more knowledgeable about what they want from a holiday .
13 ‘ In the future , it seems , we are going to be taking arbitrary decisions about what we want from the countryside : the large blue here , a certain bird there , and we are going to manage for those species , which will mean that everything else will go . ’
14 ‘ You could video that and sell it as what you expect from a player the control , the passing , the will to take responsibility , to work , to retrieve situations .
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