Example sentences of "[prep] if [pron] [be] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He moved round the room — in so far as it was possible in such cramped quarters — glad to he relieved momentarily of desk work but perhaps by way of indicating that the interview must be conducted as if we were both on the move ; and this meant that certain remarks were addressed to the window or the mantelpiece .
2 You two behaved as if we were still in the sticks .
3 We all gladly agree that today most people of forty — or even fifty for that matter — look as if they are still in their thirties .
4 In addition to fully appreciating the significance and context of much of the material they wanted to use , pupils also intended to create new material themselves by acting roles as if they were there at the time .
5 Cabrera Infante , among others , repeatedly draws attention to his role as author , while the narrator of Alfredo Bryce Echenique 's A World for Julius not only maintains a running dialogue with the reader , but also involves himself with his characters , putting himself in their shoes , addressing them directly as if they were there alongside him and , like a supporter at a sporting event , siding with some against others .
6 It was as if they were indeed from another world : a happy world , a free and easy world .
7 They were laughing and talking as if nobody were there at all but the two of them and she could see the source of Felipe 's annoyance .
8 Harvey may refuse the usual ‘ women 's role ’ but she has taken the indie scene by storm by writing some starkly troubled sexual vignettes while sounding as if she 's profoundly at ease in her own skin .
9 " Dear Virginia , " he said quietly , as if she were still by his side .
10 She tried to make Martha speak high English at home as if she were still in school , but the old woman often lapsed into patois herself .
11 She stalked around the House of Mandru as if she was always in a rage about something .
12 He began to juggle , making it look as if he was just on the verge of dropping the balls each time he caught them .
13 He could n't forget he 'd been an Army sergeant , he talked like one and acted as if he was still on a parade ground or something .
14 The youth could n't have been an inch over five feet three , skinny with dark curly hair and flashing eyes that never seemed to be still , as if he were always on the lookout for trouble .
15 The ‘ pilot ’ sits inside a spherical unit which can rotate through 360 degrees , allowing the player to roll and loop as if he were really inside the aircraft !
16 ‘ He spits his final consonants out as if he were still at St Joe 's , ’ Francesca observed with love and Charlie sighed .
17 His face , Stephen noticed , was badly marked with acne as if he were still in his teens , though he was years older than that .
18 as if it 's just over the horizon , waiting to happen to me , as weird and wonderful as all the things that happened last autumn .
19 Sounds as if it 's just above us
20 ‘ Here , let me pull the paper off now that you 've undone the ribbon and tape , or it wo n't feel as if it 's really for me . ’
21 I was getting used to the odd feeling of distance , which made it seem as if it was all about someone else , but it was alarming to see how most of the articles highlighted the love-story angle , rather than the conditions in which John was held or the reasons I 'd given as to why the Government should be doing more .
22 And there , in exactly the manner I have recommended for putting in clues in the traditional whodunit , Hammett gives his readers their clue , full-out and in the open but made to look as if it was there as part of the particularly laconic , cool conversation the two men are having over the newly-slain body .
23 With a total of thirty rooms , each arranged as if it was still in use , there is so much to see and enjoy .
24 The jewellery at wrist and neck shone as if it were still on display in the shop from which it came , and the odour from the man was simply — nothing .
25 Each of the 30 rooms is arranged as if it were still in use — the Little Drawing Room was designed by Robert Adam with gilded mouldings and intricate wall paintings .
26 I felt as if I was there under false pretences .
27 It 's as if I 'm still under the sea , she thought to herself — as if I 'll always be there , whatever I do ; deep down in the cold .
28 I took supplies from the Land Rover , according to our agreement , as if I were actually at the cafe .
29 My pulses were hammering in panic , as if I were really behind bars and spied an escape route that would close forever in a matter of seconds .
30 ‘ You sound as if you 're still in bed , ’ Henry said .
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