Example sentences of "[prep] which [pers pn] [vb mod] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The cough is there to signal that something is going awry and needs attention after which it will be all right .
2 With Descartes he felt that our own sense experiences are the one things about which we can be absolutely certain .
3 This stance is partly a reaction against what Krauss saw as a dominant position in American criticism , by which ‘ the art of the last hundred and thirty years , the art of modernism , is not being well served by writing that promotes the myths through which it can be consistently misread ’ .
4 Geoff says : ‘ Eddie 's cool , calm and collected approach still amazes me , and I 'm full of admiration for his flying skills — for which I will be eternally grateful ! ’
5 ( 4 ) If a court determines that any such criteria are satisfied , it shall make an order authorising the child to be kept in secure accommodation and specifying the maximum period for which he may be so kept .
6 Brave and good in the air , Dave consistently proved his ability to find the net at all levels , but perhaps the goal for which he will be best remembered by Palace fans of the period was that which he scored at Elland Road , Leeds , in January 1976 when 3rd Division Palace dismissed the mighty Yorkshire outfit on our way to our first FA Cup semi-final .
7 It may well be that it is the first of these , his work in children 's theatre , for which he will be most remembered , for he revolutionised the whole conception of what forms theatre for children might take .
8 I can not believe that the Masai , as I know them , would have applied for membership of an association of which they must be completely ignorant' .
9 It is the beliefs of which we can be most certain , Newman argues , that play the least significant part in our lives .
10 Of course , I recognise , respect and enjoy Britain 's regional diversity , of which we can be particularly proud .
11 There has been input to this scheme from all divisions of the Department resulting in a very successful project of which we can be justifiably proud .
12 He thought that the only things of which we could be really certain were things of which we were directly aware , that is , things in our own minds .
13 Like a small pale Peregrine , of which it may be only a race , but much paler and more rufous , with crown and nape very rufous. 15–18 in. ( 38–45 cm ) .
14 How , then , does concentrating on the original sensation enable the solipsist to create a rule in virtue of which it can be objectively true that the new sensation is a pain ?
15 The disposal of industrial and often hazardous waste is another problem , but one with which we should be equally concerned and one which we can ultimately influence .
16 However , in the committee meetings with which you will be chiefly concerned , the discussion will often be more relaxed and informal .
17 The aspect of lunar origin with which I shall be primarily concerned here is how the Earth came to get its Moon .
18 But it was Barth himself who really carried this programme through , insisting that even the doctrines of creation and sin must be grounded in christology , that there is no predestination of God apart from Jesus Christ , that on the cross Jesus himself is the one rejected and abandoned by God , and that both judgement and mercy , reprobation and election , must be seen as worked through in him , All these lines must , so to speak , be carried into the centre where they meet in Jesus Christ himself , and be seen as opening out from him rather than as constituting a distinct frame of reference into which he can be subsequently fitted .
19 For , though the particular thing or phenomenon in whose cause we are interested is presented in experience as a unified whole , it may in fact have ‘ parts ’ into which it can be rationally analysed .
20 In the Berg judgment , Mr Justice Hobhouse considered the timing of Union Discount 's alleged reliance on the 1982 accounts : ‘ Furthermore , there would only be a limited period of time within which it would be reasonably foreseeable that a bank or discount house would rely upon a given set of audited accounts .
21 A fast ship was sent to recall de Tourville but fog in the Channel delayed it and the French prepared , all unknowing , for a battle in which they would be seriously outnumbered .
22 But classroom practice is not put at the service of the principles , designed to test them out ; conversely , the principles serve classroom practices in that they provide a way in which they may be more clearly understood and more systematically carried out .
23 It seemed as if the conservative group were determined to drive the president towards a coup d'état , from which they could benefit — for he was a guarantee of order and stability — but from participation in which they could be legally , if not morally , absolved .
24 A number of the cars are , at the moment , in storage awaiting the completion of the Malcolm Campbell Shed in which they will be fully displayed .
25 If that is so , it is at least a hell of their own making , in which they can be gloriously themselves .
26 These concerned matters that were a pure technicality ( being allowed to run an advertisement that they would have had no intention of ever running again ) and a virtual truism ( being told that future circumstances may arise in which they should be reasonably able to readdress the issues at hand ) .
27 Well let's just consider for a moments then this morning , in in some of the ways in which we can be like Pilate the first thing I see here is that Pilate rejected the Lord Jesus Christ although he had tremendous opportunities of doing otherwise .
28 The nurse should strive for the middle way between total involvement in the job dominating her personal life to the point where her development as a person is impaired and her health jeopardised ; and the other extreme in which she may be technically proficient , but appears totally detached from the work both emotionally and socially .
29 Tiredness was frequently a good excuse for the moods in which he would be less than charming. ,
30 I can myself envisage no circumstances in which it would be right directly or indirectly to require a doctor to treat a patient in a way that was contrary to the doctor 's professional judgment and duty to the patient .
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