Example sentences of "[prep] which [pers pn] [verb] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Then when children turn to secondary sources it will not be in a passive way , but with the purpose of checking ideas about which they have already talked .
2 The incident mentioned by the hon. Lady is clearly deplorable , as are the deportations that occur from time to time and the closures of universities , about which we have also protested .
3 Povey and Sir W. Batten and I by water to Woolwich ; and there saw an experiment made of Sir R. Ford 's Holland 's yarn ( about which we have lately made so much stir ; and I have much concerned myself of our rope-maker , Mr Hughes who represented it so bad ) and we found it to be very bad , and broke sooner than , upon a fair triall , five threads of that against four of Riga yarne ; also that some of it had old stuffe that had been tarred , covered over with new hempe , which is such a cheat as has not been heard of .
4 But more than that he is anxious to win the one big race about which he has always dreamed — the National .
5 The triple alliance which I originally sought to conclude after the peace of Frankfurt and about which I had already sounded Vienna and St. Petersburg in September 1870 , was an alliance of the three Emperors with the further idea of bringing into it monarchical Italy .
6 The Triple Alliance , which I first tried to arrange after the Franco-Prussian War , and about which I had already approached Austria and Russia in 1870 , was an alliance of three Emperors , with the further idea of including the King of Italy .
7 Her mother gave in to this demand because otherwise Kim had bad tantrums during which she had once broken a glass dividing door and on another occasion a dining chair .
8 Dhani gestured to the door through which they had just come and said , ‘ That door then ? ’
9 The drawing was vigorous , the vegetation through which they moved vividly rendered .
10 He nodded in the direction of the medieval arch through which he had just driven .
11 As she faced out to sea then turned back to face the land through which she had just passed , her eyes were unseeing ; only the past was visible .
12 We need land at our doorstep … if Russia does not want to give it to us , she will force us to undertake an expropriation proceeding , i.e. a war , for which we have long stored up the reasons …
13 However wise and fairminded we are , anyone can suddenly find themselves in a fight for which they 've never bargained .
14 Only a minority entered the kinds of jobs for which they had originally hoped and the rest had to take what they could get .
15 Their working day is a succession of lessons for which they have either prepared something interesting , dug out last year 's notes , decided to just do the next bit in ‘ the book ’ , or are unprepared .
16 During this month I led the life for which I had always yearned hunting big game on my own in the wilds of Africa ; but now I realized that this expedition had meant more to me than just the excitement of hunting .
17 Meanwhile , BFT 's looking for dab hands at sewing , for which it 's just acquired a range of new equipment .
18 This was not a botanic garden in the modern sense of the word , but an area in which Bartram grew and propagated his comprehensive collection of current American ornamental plants for which he had arduously searched in unexplored country .
19 On 10 October , having arranged a meeting , he wrote to me about the earlier essay for which he had already arranged generous advanced payment :
20 Note was taken that Ned had requisitioned all manner of resources on that same night , for which he had never accounted , among them Ben Lugg and the services of the head listener Mary , who sufficiently overcame her loyalty to a brother officer to give the committee a lurid account of Ned 's high-handedness .
21 Conran asked this manager to carry out a feasibility study , the result of which convinced him that Habitat should move into France , a country for which he has always had a great fondness .
22 The young were living mostly in exile , but exile gave them possibilities of which they had seldom dreamed before .
23 Something better than that little house of which they had once spoken .
24 And that within that Mind — of which all individual minds are a part — there are ‘ laws ’ , processes and relationships , the ramifications of which we have barely glimpsed .
25 But the madrigal was not merely a new art form — it had nothing in common with the trecento madrigal except the name — but a landmark in a revolution of which we have already seen the beginnings in the frottole and laudi spirituali and occasional passages in the Italian-influenced northerners from Dufay onward .
26 There are three types of plate margin , two of which we have already come across .
27 Contact , OR and curl up in front of your video for an evening of entertainment , the like of which you 've never seen before .
28 Bank Chambers High Street , Newbury , Berks 19 May 1987 Dear Sir , Re : Invoice 87/625 Despite reminders , this account in respect of road transport services for £2950 ( full particulars of which you have already received ) remains unpaid .
29 The sudden impact of being in a situation of which you have long dreamed is a temporary high , soon destroyed by the dread possibility of them all going away again .
30 It was only in middle life that he ceased self-denigration and began to accuse others of the faults of which he had previously found himself guilty .
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