Example sentences of "[prep] be [verb] [verb] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 The underlying values by which organizations are to be run have to be strongly set through a variety of management processes — in particular , through reinforcement by top management and the reward system .
2 The first commitment to be made needs to be one of time .
3 What is crucial for the Government is not only to help provide jobs but to be seen to want to be doing that .
4 Ludens , I 'm in love , I 'm desperate with love , I 'm sunk in it , I 'm ruthless , I feel as fierce as hell about this , I could kill anyone who stands in the way , I must have both of them , and I will , all right it may look like a battlefield , but what has to be done has to be done now and like this .
5 Soho was predominantly a male environment : women , to be tolerated had to be either very beautiful , girlfriends or wives .
6 The depth and complexity of problems to be overcome begin to be apparent .
7 The holy grail of limitless energy , ‘ harnessing the power of the Sun on Earth ’ , is metaphorically an irresistible force and today , 40 years after the quest began and with over twenty billion dollars already spent trying to achieve it , the barriers to be overcome seem to be immovable .
8 So the need to record sufficient data to enable definite conclusions to be reached has to be balanced against the requirement to make the best use of staff time and resources .
9 Where , when just getting to one 's knees loomed as an unavoidable torture and to lie and wait to be rescued appeared to be merely common sense ?
10 In the absence of any details it is difficult to assess the force of these references to biology and sociology … . ( 1 ) What , if any , were the false biological views in question ? ( 2 ) How did it follow from them that women could not be ordained to the priesthood ? ( 3 ) What are the views which have taken their place ? … . ( 7 ) Have the views about women which have now come to be held proved to be true ?
11 How far this principle is to be carried remains to be worked out .
12 You know it 's a sort of what 's got to be has got to be in a sense I mean there 's no going back now there 's no surely finally every every strike is settled in the end and they 've got to come and talk .
13 Every morsel of support to be found needs to be brought into play .
14 Since most , if not all , big bream swims lie some distance from the bank , groundbait which has to be thrown needs to be packed quite tightly in order not to break up while in flight .
15 To be properly executed under the 1974 Act rules about the form and number of copies to be supplied have to be complied with .
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