Example sentences of "[prep] a [adj] [noun sg] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The government 's plans to privatize public-sector banks [ see p. 38533 ] suffered a setback after a poor response from prospective investors .
2 After a prolonged course of elemental diet an elimination diet was repeated and it became evident that he was profoundly sensitive to salicylate .
3 Similarly , it is shrewd of him to play for the internationalist vote after a prolonged period of sullen Little Englandism during which Labour threatened to withdraw from the Common Market and called into question this country 's role within Nato .
4 THE APPOINTMENT of Robert Louis-Dreyfus as Saatchi 's chief executive and Charles Scott as financial director comes after a prolonged period of musical chairs involving top management .
5 A salutary cautionary note is sounded by Zillmann who concludes after a painstaking review of experimental evidence that ‘ the amount of relevant data on animal aggression from both laboratory and field investigations is nearly overwhelming .
6 After a certain amount of small talk , he says casually , ‘ Perhaps I might drop by some time .
7 To mark its revival after a 44-year absence from public life , the rightist National Party ( Stronnictwo Narodwe — SN ) held a national congress in Warsaw on Nov. 18 , 1989 , electing Bronislaw Ekert party chairman .
8 That evening , after a great deal of worried thought , Seb confided in Tom Hanks .
9 Stephanie had gone , after a cool request from Roman to bring coffee .
10 However , the related ‘ Citrange ’ , Poncirus trifoliata , is hardy and has similar aromatic foliage after a hot summer with scented lemon-type blooms .
11 We trove through forest and isolated villages and then , after a final stretch of dull road , to the sanctuary of Nemesis at Rhamnus — the least visited , I suppose , of Attic sites .
12 Preparatory ground for the visit which marked the steady improvement in links between the two countries after a 15-month period of strained relations [ see pp. 37009 ; 37357 ; 37531 ] , had been laid in October after a high-level Indo-Nepalese task force , meeting in Katmandu , reached " complete " agrement on the details of a trade and transit treaty .
13 I set off back to the hospital — not in the best of tempers after a foul drive in filthy weather — and it was on the way home , as the wet lamps marched towards me , that it happened .
14 Prices in February rose 0.7 per cent for a year-on-year increase of 1.8 per cent after a sharp rise in seasonal food costs and the January sales ' price cutting came to an end .
15 The sows commence pregnancy after a delayed implantation of fertilised eggs of anything up to nine months .
16 Remember Oldham away last season ? 2–0 up with 2 minutes to go , it ended 2–2 ( admittedly after a ludicrous extension of extra time . )
17 A MULTI million pound deal to provide a school meals service in London is the icing on the cake after a terrific summer of new and extended contracts for CCG .
18 The larvae is a savage predator , and after a pupating spell on dry land , hatches into its equally predatory adult .
19 And the only blisters he suffered after his 11 day sponsored trek appeared after a frantic dash to licensed premises for a meal and a pint of Guinness part way through the walk .
20 DeFreitas is under pressure for his Test place after a moderate display at Old Trafford .
21 British businessmen feel they have only just restored their right to manage after a hard-won showdown with organised labour .
22 Okay , Jesus is the Son of God , poor old Joseph is just a kind of surrogate father erm , you know like a test-tube baby father actually test tube er is er is like you know er a complete surrogate father er for God erm they 're threatened by Herod so they have to flee to Egypt and er then they come back and eventually Jesus realizes who he is and after a long struggle with good and evil , temptation at the desert , crucifixion and God knows what , erm off he goes back to you know , sitting up there on the right hand of God saying you know I 'm the Son of God which he is , so Oedipus , Oedipus is expelled by his parents , there 's a prophecy he will murder his father and marry his mother , so they get rid of him , but he does n't die , he gets found by a shepherd , brought up by a shepherd .
23 THE Bradford Catholic Players are saddened by the death after a long illness of past President and Life Vice President Clare Illingworth .
24 Brave Melanie Dean , of Fransham Road , Pallister Park , died in January after a long battle against cystic fibrosis .
25 He stood watching beside the flower-beds ; and after a long minute of uninterrupted work , Orrie straightened his long , athlete 's back again , and turned towards his audience the massive , stony beauty of his face , flushed with exertion .
26 For until very recently the police made no concession to black street culture , but instead rigidly interpreted and ruthlessly enforced statutory norms of public order , first through the notorious ‘ Sus ’ law ( abolished after a long campaign by black and civil liberties groups ) and then through routine powers of search and arrest .
27 Similarly , events arising out of long-standing difficulties would increase risk of depression : where , for instance , a husband left home after years of arguing and discord ; a child was arrested for burglary after a long history of behavioural problems at home and school ; or a substantial fine was incurred after a long period of extreme financial difficulty ( Brown et al. , 1987 ) .
28 After a long career in public service , Monnet had been appointed as head of the French Planning Commission .
29 After a long apprenticeship with Celtic Boys Club , playing as a winger then a defensive sweeper , Nicholas attracted the attention of several English league teams and was invited to trials at Ipswich , Wolves and Manchester City .
30 To give judgment upon these presentments , the ancient machinery of the Forest Eyre was once more set in motion after a long period of general disuse .
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