Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] over " in BNC.

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1 After a weekend of uproar over reports that the Government intended to by-pass Parliament if defeated on the Maastricht bill and ratify the treaty anyway , Mr Hurd met the Prime Minister , John Major , the Leader in the Lords , John Wakeham , and the Chief Whip , Richard Ryder , at Downing Street yesterday morning .
2 It was viewed by the BBFC last week in the wake of a storm of controversy over claims that the game depicted torture and mutilation .
3 This consists of a layer of gravel over a raised grid at the bottom of the tank .
4 It is not the uncontrollable event , however , which is crucial as a determinant of depression but the expectation of a lack of control over stress which is argued to be a sufficient condition for depression ( Seligman , 1975 ) .
5 It was with his father Paul 's encouragement that Pascal eventually set to work on the project , which has been ‘ something of a labour of love over the last few years ’ .
6 The grant of a right of way over a road will include the following ancillary rights : ( 1 ) the right to stop for such time as is necessary to load and unload vehicles ( McIlraith v Grady [ 1968 ] 1 QB 468 ) but only where there is no other convenient place to stop London and Suburban Land v Carey ( 1991 ) 62 P & CR 480 ) ; and ( 2 ) the right to a sufficiency of vertical space immediately above the road for the purpose of loading and unloading ( VT Engineering Ltd v Barland ( Richard ) & Co Ltd ( 1968 ) 19 P & CR 890 ) .
7 The directors are accordingly not obliged to maximise current profits in order to satisfy short-term demands for dividends at the expense of a growth in profitability over a longer period .
8 An sure enough , last year Heinz had to withdraw its sponsorship of the second Green Shopping Day at the last minute amid a storm of publicity over its tuna fishing methods , which were allegedly killing dolphins .
9 Dawn slopped like a bucket of blood over the greasy waves of Lake Pontchartrain , splashing the seaside slum of Bucktown in red …
10 Above , a gibbous moon fought a brave but doomed battle to be seen through the scudding cloud , occasionally emerging to spill its light like a bucket of whitewash over the slates .
11 Mrs Bottomley 's first big test as Health Secretary will come this summer with the annual public spending round , which will be conducted against a background of concern over high Government borrowing and pressure from the Tory Right for public spending cuts .
12 The second one-day game in Guyana was played against a background of uncertainty over whether Robin Jackman was about to be asked to vacate the premises .
13 Inflation , which had officially fallen to 9.4 per cent in September 1989 and to around 7 per cent in October , rose sharply in November , while the austral lost one-tenth of its value on the black market , dropping to $1.00=1,000 australs in the course of a few hours on Nov. 20 against a background of uncertainty over economic policies , tension within the government and divisions in the labour movement .
14 I would therefore ask for a sense of proportion over the future of general practice , along with some breadth of vision and tolerance for alternative types of general practice .
15 Tens of thousands of township residents stayed away from work on Aug. 27 as a mark of protest over the township violence , coinciding with a mass funeral to bury seven of the dead .
16 The insets to Fig. 1 a and b show , for K 3 C 60 and Rb 3 C 60 , respectively , the ( normalized ) resistivity ( T ) as a function of temperature over an extended temperature range .
17 Yesterday 's court hearing came in the seventh week of the bitter dispute which began as a strike in protest over lay-offs then led to the sacking of 340 workers .
18 Yesterday 's hearing came in the seventh week of the dispute which began as a strike in protest over lay-offs then led to the sacking of 340 workers .
19 And they 're just doing it as a matter of course over there .
20 This has come about partly as a result of research over the last 10 years or so into various forms of involvement in the teaching of reading .
21 A further twenty-four lots were withdrawn as a result of uncertainty over ownership .
22 By the mid-fourth century the patriarchal line of Church leadership began to fuse with a male construction of celibacy that defined it both as avoidance of contact with women as the source of sin and as a source of power over inferior married people .
23 The " act of identity " is thus construed broadly as a pattern of behaviour over a largish domain , rather than , say , as an instant in the production of talk , where a choice between two phonetic realisations of the same phoneme is required .
24 The emphasis on closer trade ties with the US was also interpreted as a signal of impatience over the lack of progress on Turkey 's application for European Community membership .
25 The communiqué , dated May 27 , reiterated Pyongyang 's past efforts to avoid formalizing a " permanent split " of the Korean peninsula through dual membership , but concluded that " we have no alternative but to enter the UN at the present stage as a step to tide over such temporary difficulties created by the South Korean authorities " .
26 Writers with a preference for market over regulatory solutions ( whom we will refer to generically as ‘ market theorists ’ ) insist that management and shareholder interests are adequately aligned by market forces , and therefore that the lack of shareholder participation in the internal processes of control need give no cause for concern , and certainly does not indicate the necessity for any kind of external intervention .
27 He said : ‘ We have met with a wall of silence over this business .
28 The sauce was thin with a layer of sediment over the bottom of the pan .
29 All the ingredients needed to revivify an ailing research enterprise were on hand : a hefty portion of anxiety over an enigmatic public health problem , seasoned with a dash of desperation over coming cuts in the budgets of NIH 's seven primate research centres .
30 . All the ingredients needed to revivify an ailing research enterprise were on hand : a hefty portion of anxiety over an enigmatic public health problem , seasoned with a dash of desperation over coming cuts in the budgets of NIH 's seven primate research centres …
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