Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun sg] [pron] have [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This was drafted following a discussion I had with John Popham .
2 Team 1 says a letter which is the first letter of a word they have in mind .
3 I may indeed remind my friend of a thought I had by referring to it as the one I had on first wakening in Venice .
4 He was hard at work on the translation of a play which had to be ready two days later .
5 that he or she is or has been a director of a company which has at any time become insolvent ( whether while he or she was a director or subsequently ) ; and
6 What a dismal , doleful , baleful lament of a speech we had from him .
7 In the case of a practice which has at least one registered foreign lawyer as a partner , director , registered member or beneficial owner of a share , a designation used in publicity conducted in England and Wales ( including the notepaper of an English or Welsh office ) must include :
8 ( i ) In the case of a practice which has at least one registered foreign lawyer as a partner , director , registered member or beneficial owner of a share , the notepaper of an English or Welsh office of the practice must contain either :
9 During the fourth day of the trial at Liverpool Crown Court , the deputy matron of the hospital where Gilfoyle worked told of a meeting she had with him .
10 On the left side of the stance stands a gigantic gravestone of a block which has to be crossed .
11 Oh I mean many of them were taken out of a book which had in the front price five and sixpence so a so I think that went very well and er I mean Jack was much encouraged by it so much so that he 's going to actually offer to do it for another organisation that he 's connected with
12 Jock Thompson , the head of Meikles Trust in Bulawayo , told us of a talk he had with him on the guidance of God .
13 I would entreat your Honour to muster thirty men and send them to us and put shoes on board with them , for we have committed one great error in not putting shoes on board with the last , which was occasioned by means of a dispute we had with our cobblers about the price .
14 Although they carry the risk of overemphasizing the subjective and personal make-up of a team they have to be taken into account in any scheme of training .
15 Because of this ritual we wondered if Madame was privy to his secret , if she knew the story , if she sat by him because she knew that O 's great self-possession and his quietness were in fact the signs of a pain which had to be kept hidden , a pain which stayed fresh and so had to be controlled every hour of the night .
16 General Robert Scott is still alive and has sent Dick a hand written description of his first aircraft on the back of a photograph he had of himself with his P-40 .
17 The project is just one of a number he has in the resort , and he claims the attack of vandalism also just the latest of a growing number .
18 ‘ A shilling … no , two shilling for a wager I 've in mind . ’
19 For a start they had to be brawnier than the old stalwarts had been .
20 THE ONLY known surviving image of a fast-bowling legend as a boy : as a man he has at least 307 reasons to remember a glittering Test career .
21 Valerie Eliot was also his protector — as a secretary she had for a long time been organizing his daily life and guarding him from the world , and it was probably the calm assurance of her presence which first drew him towards her .
22 That 's what Joan was saying the other day as a woman you have to be , otherwise you do n't get there .
23 Ragusa was seen as a rival which had to be subdued and brought under Venetian control .
24 It is important that as Christians we conceive of the corporation as a community which has as an objective more than just profit maximisation .
25 ‘ Watching it as a professional I had to be concerned about poor defending , but the decision to play three up front certainly caused Southampton problems , ’ he added .
26 And much as I coveted a wonderful watercolour by Albert that I came across in an Alice Springs gallery for 4,000 dollars I was even more taken with the traditional native art , particularly since it seemed to offer useful hints about a problem I had of seeing the outback in ways other than through the window-on-the-world vision that developed in Renaissance Italy .
27 In July 1955 , the Director-General of the British Broadcasting Corporation ( Sir Ian Jacob ) wrote to the Lord Chancellor ( Lord Kilmuir ) about a project he had in mind for broadcasting a series of lectures about great judges of the past in which Sir Ian hoped members of the judiciary would participate .
28 To deal with a pundit one had to be either a sister , senior staff nurse , or a rare fourth-year on nights .
29 However tenuous it may have become , once a marriage is under threat it can suddenly turn into a territory which has to be defended at all costs , like the Falklands .
30 Most deaf people are still educated within a system which has at its base a language that is , at best , not fully accessible because it is based on hearing ; at worst , it is a language which is completely alien and does not adequately describe deaf experience .
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