Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun sg] [adv] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 Might not the mastery of a skill quickly mean that an approach to learning through discovery could be more effectively undertaken ?
2 The label rational basis would simply be reflective of a conclusion already reached that the court does not wish to intervene .
3 In the case of writers whose taste is to be trusted the very oddness of a recipe often means that here is something worth special investigation .
4 Firstly , the file organization is more robust , as the accidental overwriting of a record only affects that record itself and not other members of a chain .
5 But for a can only mean that a " right " ( which perhaps already became a legal " cause " or " case " ) has " vanished " , sc .
6 ‘ The mere fact that a subfield is identifiable for a century virtually guarantees that it is dormant , and science that doubles every 15 years is not ’ .
7 I thought that Basil appreciated more than most the essential magic of the child 's experience of the world and the expression of this in art — not that he ever said this , but his own manner as a teacher always implied that this was a special , essentially elevated kind of activity — but one in which everyone had the capacity to join .
8 I just want a clearance note off a doctor just to say that I 'm fit for work . ’
9 For example , a person may consent to his child 's staying the night with a friend only to find that his spouse has already allowed the child to do so .
10 One such dispute was settled by Marie with a verdict apparently asserting that true love can not exist between man and wife .
11 Such cases will often have been treated as acute cystitis for a day or two , and may present to the casualty department or emergency room with a bladder so swollen that it mimics a twenty week pregnancy .
12 Conversely , many players get caught up with the fashionable aspect and spend ages learning how to , say , play slap impressively , then get a gig with a band only to find that there is n't a context where it can be used .
13 He argues , for instance , that the evolutionary emergence of ‘ our self transcendence by means of selection and rational criticism ’ depends upon developments that have taken place in academic language : ‘ It is only within a language thus enriched that critical argument and knowledge in the objective sense become possible . ’
14 But at 11.20 pm — just as Highlights from Augusta offer relief from a man repeatedly declaring that the second election result may be coming at any minute — Scotland is being indulged with different fare .
15 He raised his black eyebrows in a look so disbelieving that she could only repeat what she 'd said .
16 Her passion leapt to meet his , and she clung to him , her mouth dragging on his in a meeting so inflamed that she almost lost consciousness as dizziness swept through her brain .
17 Living in a city again meant that he would have to stop looking like a derelict .
18 Careful reading of the various clauses in a policy often reveals that surprisingly little is actually insured against .
19 A visit to a specialist yesterday revealed that Bracewell had developed a bloodclot , which required surgery and an overnight stay in hospital .
20 For example , ordering goods from a mail order catalogue or subscribing to a magazine both mean that you disclose personal information about yourself .
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