Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun sg] [adv] [verb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 What of a marriage of a male severely disfigured and without genitalia as a result of war or an accident ?
2 The picture that emerges is of a man both maddening and engaging in his inner spiritual drive , and in his search for a way of living appropriate to its demands .
3 More recently , it has been made clear that breach of a covenant not to assign or sublet is similarly irremediable .
4 This is very clear in Masefield 's analysis of one such romantic hero , the almost impossibly self-denying Captain Margaret , who has vowed his life to the service of a woman long loved and now married to a villain :
5 One of the monks , describing the presence , said he could ‘ perceive the fragrance of such a wonderful odour , as if all the flowers on earth were gathered together in one place ; I feel also a glow of heat within me — not at all painful , but most pleasing — and a certain unusual and unexplainable joy poured into my heart , which all of a sudden so refreshes and gladdens me I forget grief and weariness of every kind ’ .
6 We sat for a while just watching and listening to the water and turned back to follow the path out of the steep-sided gill towards Cotterdale .
7 He looked at me for a moment then sighed and got up from the chair .
8 The old Annamese , possibly hard of hearing , gazed unblinkingly into the distance above his head for a moment then turned and shuffled away , but his son nodded gravely .
9 As a result both abuse and early marriage may be associated with factors which are not readily observable .
10 When young people play central parts in adventure stones , their motives and actions are as a rule suitably moderated nor are they expected to concern themselves with elaborate points of honour .
11 He applied his eye to the hole in the paint and gazed , as if through a telescope already fixed and focused , at the young woman seated on the far side of the lobby .
12 ‘ I never cease to be struck by the extraordinarily high performances individuals can turn in when faced with a challenge properly identified and given the means to deliver .
13 The huddle of noisy stalls in the back streets were a clamour of life and colour , selling diamanté , silk ribbons , radios , clothes , dead fish sliced up on cold slabs , snakes split down the middle , innards steaming on the bloodied stone floors , live birds in cages , killed with a hammer then plucked and sold , and thousand-year-old eggs streaked black and white with gaudy orange centres .
14 He might have been in a rush , with a car badly parked or a taxi ticking .
15 One Sunday morning , when I was looking out of the window , I saw Mme Guérigny leave church and walk from the rue de Fleuve along the rue Victorie towards Bluot 's , and return with a box nicely wrapped and tied with gold string .
16 Adoption of Motif application programming interface specifications by X/Open Co Ltd offers a politically acceptable means for Sun Microsystems Inc to offer Motif products on its price list for the first time : its SunSoft Inc subsidiary plans to market Santa Cruz Operation Inc-owned IXI Ltd 's Motif toolkit under a deal already signed and due to be revealed soon ; subsequently SunSoft will offer a combined ‘ MoLook ’ -type COSE toolkit in first half 1994 .
17 Its SunSoft Inc subsidiary plans to market Santa Cruz Operation Inc-owned IXI Ltd 's Motif toolkit under a deal already signed and due to be revealed soon .
18 Historians will doubtless record how it was that , in August 1990 , Western intervention in the Gulf region started a process which turned Saddam Hussein from a dictator universally feared and hated by the Arabs into a hero and symbol of Arab courage and defiance , to be venerated for generations to come .
19 ‘ In the United Kingdom ’ shall include investment advertisements issued outside the UK if they are directed at persons in the UK otherwise than in a newspaper etc published and principally circulated outside the UK or broadcast on a media primarily aimed outside the UK .
20 Even when the carer is a relative , when dementia is the disease carers may feel as if the old person has in a sense already died and left them so that ‘ this is not the mother I used to know ’ .
21 To have to compete with Third World labour costs would produce massive unrest in a population already urbanised and used to the standards of a Western industrial society .
22 I remember Chung telling me of the performance she had given with Tennstedt some years ago , a special experience for her , and this subsequent occasion resulted in a collaboration comparably searching and intense .
23 He stuck the candle upright in a socket then sat and gazed at the flame , letting it mesmerize him into memory .
24 Severus managed to get as far as the Montrose region and perhaps briefly beyond that : tantalizingly , in 1869 labourers on the Duke of Sutherland 's railway extension to Helmsdale and ultimately to Thurso in distant Caithness unearthed a collection of Roman bronze coins in a region never held and supposedly never reached by imperial forces .
25 Secondly , it will go , in accordance with the voter 's intention , to his next-preference candidate , or to put it more accurately — since it can not go to a candidate already elected or eliminated — to his next available preference .
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