Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun] [adv] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 Even the psyche , the temperament of a person finds expression in his speech , to say nothing of his temporary moods and every hearer makes a certain value judgement of a speaker simply on the basis of ‘ what he talks like ’ ( Pulgrum , 1951 , p. 17 ) .
2 The villa with its ceremonial painted chamber , uncovered by chance a quarter of a century ago on the Marchese 's lands , had been walled up again .
3 It allows you to take advantage of fonts , lines , borders and shading and can therefore greatly enhance the appearance of a worksheet both on the screen and on paper .
4 does n't always go down too well but well in the end I went in to their bedroom and actually they were awake , they were just laying sort of a bit sleepily on the bed together on Katie 's , both on Katie 's bed .
5 The parish church , older than the oldest part of the house , with its attendant Rectory , squatted a quarter of a mile away on the edge of the estate , joined to the village by a delta of ancient footpaths which successive generations of Dersinghams had been unable to close .
6 A quarter of a mile further on the lane widened out into a small clearing in the trees .
7 This places the responsibility for dangerous driving , damage , injury or death following from the taking of a vehicle squarely on the shoulders of those in it .
8 Oldfield taking a bit of a risk there on the edge of his own box but Leicester got away with it .
9 We were both professors at Imperial College in 1956–59 but the impression I got was of a professor somewhat on the Kissinger model — a status symbol for the college , but not an approachable colleague .
10 In contrast to the use of photography to record set-ups such as Ralley 's ( who is also a video/film-maker ) , Molins is a photographer who uses the camera like a hunter ever on the alert to capture those ‘ details ’ which decisively echo something of her own thoughts and emotions .
11 She did not even realize her hair had come down and that she had lost her hat until she found herself leaning against a wall somewhere on the other side of St Jude 's Passage , her lungs bursting , her temples and her pulses hammering out their distress , her whole appearance wild and dishevelled and attracting not the least attention in that place which-no matter what might have befallen her — had seen it all before .
12 In 1984 the WCFBA Plenary Assembly asked for a Synod entirely on the biblical apostolate in the Church .
13 You know as well as I do how dangerous it is for a woman alone on the roads — any pervert could pick you up ! ’
14 I went to the BBC TV Centre with a photographer yesterday on the understanding that he could take pictures from the video .
15 Coach driver Peter Wright lost both his legs when his bus crashed into a bridge upright on the M40 at Tetsworth last November .
16 She 'd gathered the fragrant blooms from a tub outside on the narrow balcony and deeply inhaled its sweet perfume before deciding to wear it in her hair .
17 A MAN fell 150ft to his death from a cliff yesterday on the Berwickshire coast .
18 View of the remains of Spitfire Vc BR108 with the wing from a Bf 109F on the wall behind .
19 Two of our ‘ boys ’ have just returned from a week there on a rugby tour .
20 When she chased him she laughed all the time and they would run around the garden before collapsing in a heap together on the grassy slopes beside the vegetable patch .
21 Having said farewell to Susan , the Doctor has moved the TARDIS on again , bringing it to rest in a cave somewhere on the planet Dido .
22 The information available over a century ago on the customs and beliefs of exotic tribal peoples was incomparably poorer than it is today .
23 Great liability to take cold ; sensitive to a draught especially on the head like Hepar sulph .
24 What is of importance is an indication that television might worsen a psychological problem which is already present in the child , and even make delinquent suggestions to a youngster already on the slippery path to delinquency .
25 As the leader of the Nationalist armies , he had been hailed in 1939 as the restorer of peace and order to a country allegedly on the verge of ruin thanks to Republican bad faith and malpractice .
26 Although Christianity is the ‘ state religion ’ of Britain , it is often said that the majority of people who are nominally Christian will go to a church only on a very few occasions in their lives — for a Christmas or Easter service maybe , or a family christening .
27 There , too , the issue was CSM 's failure to act on a drug already on the market , for a period of seven months after clear evidence of serious adverse reactions .
28 A deposit of cremated bones , probably human , was found at a place exactly on the elliptical perimeter of the circle .
29 The micro is currently much in vogue , and indeed my presentation is followed by a presentation specifically on the subject of micro computers .
30 A shadow moved by a light ahead on a path .
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