Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun] [conj] [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 Jinny was so amazed that she stopped speaking in the middle of a sentence and let him say goodbye and make their apologies all over again .
2 What is more , de Man argues , metaphor overcomes the opposition between inner repose and outer action because Marcel 's imagination gives him access to the outside world ; of a kind that allows him to possess it " much more effectively than if he had actually been present in an outside world that he could then have only known by bits and pieces " ( 1979 : 60 ) .
3 He concentrated on drawing cartoons and in 1932 had his first acceptance from Punch , the beginning of a partnership that established him as a major comic artist and one of the most original talents in the long history of the magazine .
4 He did not know why he asked the question , except as part of a ritual that reassured him Blanche had not changed .
5 Richard Goldschmidt 's problem — which was one of a set that made him resort , for most of his professional life , to the extreme belief that evolution takes great leaps rather than small steps — turns out to be no problem at all .
6 On Saturday , Payton fluffed a simple chance then regained his composure to score the goal that ensured victory and finished up having to change his jersey because it was stained with the blood of a cut that required him to go off temporarily for stitches .
7 On my way back to Anastasia , I catch sight of a tree-creeper and watch him flit from tree to tree , scurrying mouse-like up their trunks as though nothing else had ever happened here .
8 FLYWEIGHT Paul Ingle was eliminated on a 13-12 verdict by strong North Korean southpaw Chol Su Choi — despite a rally that won him the last round 9-4 .
9 He said she had become like a stone and tempted him to treat her as one and hurl her away .
10 When Appio did not listen to her she would get angry , lift him like a feather and set him on top of a chest of drawers .
11 When he came into her she stuck him like a pig and ripped him from his abdomen up to his breastbone .
12 Jimmy cursed him for a fool and thanked him for standing aside .
13 It was Marriott who suggested that Stirling should make himself scarce for a while and recommended him to Brigadier Denys Reid .
14 He opted for a job as an arc metalworker for a firm that allowed him plenty of time off for competing in meetings and , as he was an international , he travelled overseas often .
15 The judge , Lord Mayfield , jailed Smyth for a year and told him he was a persistent offender with a bad record .
16 At last he sent for a chaprassi and sent him with me to look for something , but on the way I found nice Mr Dickensen , an American from the University in Rangoon .
17 At the time , Dustin was looking for a role that attracted him .
18 Gray began singing for Baldwin after her cousin — an avid Chicago house devotee who would occasionally drag Paris out to the city 's hottest clubs — heard Baldwin was looking for a singer and gave him Gray 's number .
19 But I totally disagree with what she said in that erm yesterday I sat glued to the television most of the day , really to keep myself up to date on what was going on , erm I also have a baby but I managed to keep him occupied as well as take him out for a walk and give him his lunch and what have you .
20 As a politician that makes him unusual , surely . ’
21 Miss Polly took his words as a compliment and treated him to a coy smile of invitation , meant to suggest that he should sit beside her ; but Sean had already marked Herbert Fraser for that position of honour , stopping just short of pushing him to the ground .
22 Were n't you saying in the tent only yesterday : " When Charles has been beaten and stripped of his weapons , I 'll personally tonsure him as a cleric and take him back to Ravenna " ?
23 Bashful Barry believes it was his failure with girls as a schoolboy that set him on the path to fame as a film buff .
24 His uncle John , 72 , who brought him up as a son and taught him to play the guitar , has died of lung cancer .
25 The well-to-do uncle treated John as a son and took him into his expanding business .
26 Radical deputies pointed to Yanayev 's credentials as a bureaucrat and denounced him as an " old-style leader " , and regrets were also expressed that a non-Russian had not been nominated .
27 Whilst the conflict over Reagan 's diaries was in progress , a parallel struggle was being fought over Poindexter 's efforts to subpoena Reagan as a witness and to force him to testify in person at the trial .
28 His talents were demonstrated through a system that gave him opportunities and brought out the best in him .
29 A form of this non-commercial trading occurred on London Fox in 1991 , when the exchange itself opened an account with a trader and directed him to enter into trades on one of its own markets .
30 ‘ Make a call , ’ said Henry with a crispness that surprised him .
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