Example sentences of "[prep] and [pron] do [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We put immense pressure on them , we tried everything we could , we raised it with the Transport Users consultative committee at National Level , we wrote to the minister and all kinds of and they did n't budge at all , you would n't think they were a public body .
2 The following pages er then describe the budgetary changes commentary on a number of and I do n't propose to go through them individually .
3 All these rewards that you 're waiting for and you do n't find anyone there .
4 No , and as for and I du n no .
5 I do n't know who you 're looking for and I do n't want to know but even I can see that whoever it is he wo n't be overjoyed to see you … ’
6 I suppose the reason I got down to an effort to be objective is that I did n't like the interpretations of my other things — so here I am with an array of alligator pears — about ten of them — calla lilies — four or six — leaves — summer green ones — ranging through yellow to the dark sombre blackish purplish red — eight or ten — horrid yellow sunflowers — two new red cannas — some white birches with yellow leaves — only two that I have no name for and I do n't know where they come from .
7 My dear , we have things to talk about and I do n't expect to be here for very much longer — would you prefer us to trail off to my hotel or some public place , or to your frankly not very inviting villa ?
8 No it means someone 's stopped a program , stopped a printout half way through and it does n't clear the page in
9 In their view , we were the hacks he 'd run against and we did n't like being treated that way . ’
10 I mean with this exhibition that we 've booked ‘ Just the Job ’ , which is black women erm and the kind of jobs that they 've got , a large percentage are carers and erm and it is the thing that erm women feel that they can do and it erm in a way that it comes out of their role in the home , the caring role , and erm and it 's a role that they get sort of erm trapped into and it does n't pay very much money , as Brenda was saying earlier .
11 And she was glad to have the strength of anger against him as she deciphered coolly , ‘ What you 're really saying is that either I leave Travis alone , or , if you ca n't get me over the Norwood & Chambers contract , you wo n't rest until you find some other contract I 've had small dealings with and which did n't work out , which added together will amount to dereliction of duty . ’
12 As far as I 'm concerned I think Sarah has put in a lot of objections and all to do with and I do n't know whether there is any answer at all , I 've just got two in my bunch .
13 Now I have always been very particular whom I sleep with and I did n't like sharing my room with a possible murderer .
14 It goes up and straight down l and you ca n't stay up erm in the water , you go straight under and you do n't find yourself in the middle erm of the pool where it actually comes in you find yourself being pressed against the wall by the water pressure
15 I was crouched in the hay in the stable that the horses have gone from and she did n't know I was watching her .
16 And there was a neurosis and an anxiety involved around doing that solo record for me , because I 'd never done one before and I did n't know if I could actually pull it off .
17 Laing was at pains to stress that at no time did he feel under pressure : ‘ It was that I 'd never been caught before and I did n't know what to do .
18 No — I 've had it cut short before and I did n't like the way it feels when you wake up in the mornings — really weird .
19 Last night , Ena Gilmour , Raymond Gilmour 's mother , of Hawthorn Avenue , Johnstone , said : ‘ I will allow myself to be slightly optimistic , I do n't put it any stronger than that because I have been let down before and I do n't want to let myself go too far this time . ’
20 This feeling I have never , ever , ever experienced before and I do n't think I will again until I die .
21 And remember , if you 've never had to pay charges before and you do n't pay them now , then probably nothing has changed for you — except perhaps , that you 're better informed .
22 Well , I still believe in and I do n't pushed around and say , no you ca n't have money , no you ca n't get insured , and so that means others .
23 Someone else is responsible if the roof suddenly caves in and you do n't have the added pressures of house hunting/buying on top of planning a wedding .
24 Well we 've been on to and they do n't seem to do an awful lot .
25 I did think I might read them some day , when I could bear to and it did n't feel quite so much like prying . ’
26 Because I did n't want the kids saying , ah , you have n't got to And I did n't want to go in on Saturday morning either did I ?
27 It was as if a subliminal message had passed between them ; as if she had said aloud , ‘ Look , I understand how things are between you and Alain Gebrec , but Iris does n't seem to and I do n't want her upset , ’ and as if he had responded , ‘ Do not worry , I will not say or do anything to hurt her . ’
28 I want you to and I do n't want you to .
29 I know damn well what you 're up to and I do n't like it .
30 I says I want to learn sommat so I went to and I do n't know what it was , whether it was my attitude , but they , they asked me to do this and I was so good at it , so they started finding jobs for me and it was at and I was anxious for knowledge , and I tell you took anything on , which is important and the big firms did n't .
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