Example sentences of "[prep] it [coord] [conj] [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 The kennelman , a small dour wiry figure , would bawl orders after it and when it came loping back within reach , seize it and drag it , claws scraping on the flagstones , back to rejoin the main pack .
2 Money and effort that should have been devoted to supporting the ordinary people in Highfields has been wasted on power politics and I agree that it 's time surely to put an end to that disgrace now there is a certain logic in Mr amendment , it basically says let us put the implementation of council policy in the hands of the director of education , let him take executive control and let us take politics out of it and if I thought that that would do what both Mr and myself want to happen I would support .
3 Another amusing incident to come out of ‘ Space Oddity ’ was when I got a phone call from David one day , who said he had to record an Italian version of the song because two kids in Italy had apparently done a cover version of it and as it looked as if it was going to do quite well , the Italian record company wanted a version by the original artist and said they would send someone along to teach Bowie phonetically how to sing the song .
4 Philip ran towards it and as he came round the slight bend in the wide path he saw the boy tugging at it .
5 Some grow much better in damp places where the fish could nibble at them when they felt like it or if they needed to — in a similar way to a dog eating grass — and for much the same reason .
6 Oh yes , and seeing whether you 'd yes , how you were coping with it and whether you got too involved or whether you did n't get involved enough or whether you actually were able to sort of get this balance between erm the sort of emotional support you give and the actual practical help which maybe they need in some sort of way , you know because I mean
7 Mind you it seemed that they had a test at school last week and he was n't terribly happy with it , he said he could n't understand it , he tried to explain to me what it was , but erm , it 's not , not easy , but Ga Gavin said erm , he said they 'd had a test and he said it took him time to get into it but once he got into it , you know , he did alright in it , I think he said how many he got , he did n't seem to do too badly , but he said Alex did n't really do anything and what he did do he thought was wrong so he did n't hand it in , he said and in actual fact what he had done was right , so I do n't know , I told , I told Alex to go and see , you know , and ask about it and sort of erm , apparently he did do that so at least he 'll know , but erm , it 's strange really because normally Alex
8 The motorbike bashed into it and when he bashed into him he crashed
9 got a flash and that in it but and I thought well her own pictures she takes Christmas
10 His influence on F1 racing , both while he was in it and after he retired , probably remains greater than that of any other single driver .
11 He says they lifted his eyelid up and just poured water in it and when they finished he says that he says
12 I could n't find a way round it and when someone came in and said , ‘ that sounds great , but can you get me a pure sound where I can actually recognise what guitar is being played , whether it 's clean or distorted ? ’
13 The accelerator cable broke in the middle of nowhere so we had to tie some string to it and while I drove , my girlfriend pulled on the string .
14 The accelerator cable broke in the middle of nowhere so we had to tie some string to it and while I drove , my girlfriend pulled on the string .
15 My Lord the er plaintiff 's case is that as a result of the advice that he was given by Mr er it was clear to him that he had no way out of this contract , that he was committed to it and that he had no choice but to proceed with the matter and there was then er further discussion on the telephone on this day , Friday , between Mr and Mr to where they were going here and Mr said he would now write to the plaintiff setting out what his options were to him and the letter than was sent by Mr was dated the twenty second of October and the letter , the relevant terms of this letter are set out in a statement of claim expressing at paragraph three eleven of this statement saying and of course er that is admitted by the er defendant .
16 Jean held up her hand to it and when it made a bright white spot on her palm , she closed her fingers over it and pretended to give it into Donald 's hand , like a delicacy .
17 I have just bought a Wood catfish , but I can not find any information on it and since I introduced it to my tank , I 've never seen it .
18 You have had a long life of service and time to look back on it and if I did not know how your arthritis troubles you and with what difficulty you pen your kind notes I would ask you to help me in this .
19 It 's like the story Mum used to read me when I was a kid about the white puppy-dog that got lost and its little girl owner looked everywhere for it and when she found it again she did n't recognize it because it 'd got so dirty it was n't her little white dog any longer .
20 She said that she knew about it and that she had known for quite a while .
21 He seemed bright enough and very eager to learn , but when I went to the school to see his work I found that his handwriting was very , very bad and his spelling was absolutely atrocious , and although he was good at mathematics , as time went on he began to get very worried and very upset about it and when I looked at his work I realized that he was doing a lot of the words back to front and was getting the direction of figures mixed up .
22 As I blundered on in my explanation I realised he had forgotten all about it and if I had kept my mouth shut the problem need never have arisen .
23 The Indianapolis 500 is one of those races with a special mystique about it and if you talked to Mario about that one victory , he would admit the sheer joy of victory , ‘ going from chump to champ ’ in three hours , he called it in his autobiography .
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