Example sentences of "[prep] it [be] [adv] [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Most of it 's vastly populated and punctuated by well defined compact small market towns and villages .
2 The trouble is that some of it 's still attached and so it 's going start erm bu butting again , growing .
3 In this it is related to the heads of the Two Nudes painted a few months earlier , but as opposed to them , it is more completely mask-like , and every area or section of it is clearly defined and forms a self-contained unit .
4 Part of it was actually built and installed .
5 Without help in the form of floor and room numbers , however , the individual within it is completely lost and disorientated .
6 ‘ Early this morning or perhaps during the night the room was vandalized ; everything in it was either damaged or destroyed . ’
7 A distinctive feature of the Dolls ' House was that almost without exception every item in it was specifically commissioned and an integral part of the whole gift — only a few pieces in the house were found in the antique trade or private collections .
8 The legend , ‘ Doniert rogavit pro anima ’ carved upon it was generally interpreted as , ‘ Doniert entreats prayers for his soul ’ .
9 Inside it is richly decorated and of the typical open style dictated by the Jesuit Order .
10 This attitude to non-verbal communication has been encouraged by the popularisation of right-brain left-brain studies and amongst those who sponsor the soft primitivism that I have just referred to it is widely assumed that the verbal capabilities of the left cerebral hemisphere have been over-developed by a culture which puts too much emphasis on linguistic finesse and that the expressive repertoire of the supposedly holistic right hemisphere has been dangerously neglected as a consequence .
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