Example sentences of "[prep] the way a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In Gwendolen she writes of the way a black woman like Sonia , Gwendolen 's mother , is treated , either with polite indifference or as if she is not there .
2 It is not easy to engage in discussion with someone who regards other opinions as no more than symptomatic of the way a bourgeois intellectual thinks under late capitalism .
3 These observations of distance and speed can be coupled with general knowledge of the way a small probe behaves in the gravitational fields of bodies in the Solar System to determine the spacecraft 's position with astonishing accuracy , typically to a few hundred metres at a range of hundreds of millions of kilometres .
4 The breakdown of capitalism and the advent of a new form of society are conceived and explained as the outcome of the way a particular structure — the capitalist mode of production and capitalist society — works , not as the product of a historical process ; and the post-capitalist societies which can be foreseen , or which actually exist , may be as varied as were feudal societies or the absolutist states .
5 Deafness is unique among disabilities in that it is the clearest example we have of the way a different experience of the world can forge a completely different approach to life , which is expressed through a separate and unique language and culture .
6 But at least she would be treading in his footsteps , and somewhere along the way a clearer picture of him might emerge .
7 The many , varied patterns take the beginner to advanced levels of the art , teaching him along the way a great mixture of different techniques containing all the essential elements of taekwondo .
8 They can get so much more out of it if you encourage them to approach it in the way a real production would be approached — as an exercise in communicating something to a specific audience .
9 There are manifest dangers in the way a relative norm is chosen , but once it is accepted that relative validity is all we can aim at these need not worry us unduly .
10 Minsky 's ‘ supreme organizer ’ view must be a hierarchical one , for that organizer alone has the model of its relation to other modules , and it must therefore always be in control , because no other module has the model of relationships that would allow it sometimes to be in control ( in the way a heterarchical view requires ) .
11 The question of quantity used is obviously intimately related to the way a given individual finances his or her habit , a perspective which will be taken up in Chapter 7 .
12 On the way a strong wind gets up and blows a tree down .
13 The pop Poet Laureate of the cabaret circuit , Hegley chooses subjects which range from McDonalds to the Gulf War , taking in on the way a whole range of everyday tragedies :
14 Both types of consent arguments are based on actual consent and differ from the hypothetical consent theories recently made popular by John Rawls , which are a form of moral argument concerning the way a fair-minded person should reconcile his interests with those of others .
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