Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun pl] of [noun pl] of " in BNC.

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31 Special provisions have been made for death-bed marriages , marriages at home for the housebound , marriages in prisons , hospitals and places of residential care for disabled people , and for the celebration of the marriages of members of the naval , military , and air forces and their daughters in chapels licensed by the Admiralty Board or by a Secretary of State .
32 No individual Members had submitted evidence questioning the ways in which the work of the House and its regional interests had been portrayed in their own locality ( one Member , Mr James Kilfedder , complained in a Commons debate ( 19 July 1990 ) of the failure of both BBC and Ulster TV to provide proper coverage of the speeches of Members of all parties from Northern Ireland ) .
33 The joint sitting of the Councils of Heads of State and Heads of Government in Bishkek was chaired by Armenian President Levon Ter-Petrosyan and attended by the Presidents of Kazakhstan , Kirgizstan , Moldova , Russia , Byelarus , Ukraine and Uzbekistan , the acting President of Tajikistan and a representative of the Turkmen President , absent due to ill health .
34 This indeed is one of the implications of investigations of environmental processes because they are now becoming assimilated with new approaches to time and environmental change as outlined in chapter 8 ( p. 161 ) .
35 We therefore decided to concentrate our analysis of the characteristics of users of temporary workers on private sector establishments .
36 Girls generally did as well or better than boys on questions concerning knowledge of the names of parts of rectangular shapes ( cuboids , rectangles ) but a good deal worse on similar questions relating to 2-D and 3-D shapes with circular sections .
37 And the problem which Russell faced is , supposing now we do concede that there are these radical differences of the , of the kinds of things of which the world is filled , how can we examine their relations ?
38 By removing these from the representation of all motions we are left with Γ vib , the list of the numbers of vibrations of each symmetry species for the molecule .
39 A summary of the interrelationships together with some of the applications of aspects of sedimentary petrography is given in Fig. 5.1 .
40 Could the government lawfully ban transmission of the voices of members of terrorist organizations ?
41 Despite the efforts of hordes of gluttonous ants who dined on much of the grass seed , the first game on the first Spanish cricket ground was played there on Saturday , January 11 and the club hosted the Inter-Island Balearic Championships over the first weekend of May .
42 ‘ handsomely wrought like the necks of Bridges of Musical Instruments , long brass plates overwrought like the handles of neat implements ; brazen nippers to pull away hair … and one kind of Opale , yet maintaining a blewish colour ’ .
43 The 260,000 employees of the overmanned and loss-making East German Deutsche Reichsbahn were demanding increases to bring their wages closer in line with the earnings of employees of the West German Bundesbahn , but were also expressing concern at proposed massive redundancies in the rail workforce when the Reichsbahn and the Bundesbahn merged early in 1991 .
44 This supposition conflicts with the conclusions of students of the geomorphology of the lands , who usually regard sea level as being much higher in that period than it is now .
45 This would concur with the conclusions of reviews of the much larger literature on support and health which does not specifically consider the effects of stress .
46 Tragically , from experience , I have discovered that Government Departments have not been speedy in dealing with the rights of victims of terrorism in Northern Ireland .
47 Chapter I deals with the contents of Letters of Request , the establishment of Central Authorities , and related matters .
48 In Upper School every inch of the panelling was scored with the names of generations of boys .
49 He supports these contentions with the words of parents of children with trisomy 21 whose reactions to , and following , the birth of their children belie the simplified professional stereotypes which he sets beside them .
50 The kitchen doubles as a dining room , and the family gathers for meals around a 17th century oak tavern table scored with the marks of games of shove-halfpenny .
51 If I could know that they fell into the hands of men of learning and curiosity , I should be more easy about them .
52 The incident played into the hands of advocates of harsher measures of control .
53 And it is a good thing that someone sensible should be doing so for the subject has got into the hands of theorists of the most tiresome sort .
54 By mid-century , responsibility for burial in urban areas was being progressively removed from the vestry and parish into the hands of representatives of the ratepayers .
55 After transfection of pREP8-CFTR DNA into the airways of mice of 20–28 days old , sequences corresponding to human CFTR were detected by in situ hybridization ( Fig.2 ) .
56 A " consultative working commission " would be set up " under the Councils of Heads of State and Government " — a watered down version of a proposed permanent Consultative and Coordinating Economic Council , and on convergence of the economic laws of commonwealth states .
57 Nevertheless , On Time is definitely worth reading seriously , because it may indicate a way of thinking that does not totally exclude the question of meaning , not only from the studies of phenomena of the kind discussed here , but also from all sorts of other studies , in such diverse fields as biology , psychology , and human relationships .
58 As will have been apparent from the discussion on pre-emptive rights , this borrowing by the stock markets of an expression ‘ equities ’ derived from the activities of Courts of Chancery has in turn been borrowed by the companies ' legislation in its definition of ‘ equity securities ’ and ‘ equity share capital . ’
59 The Attorney-General and the Solicitor-General ( the law officers of the Crown ) are ministers , not in the cabinet , appointed by the Prime Minister from the ranks of Members of the House of Commons who are barristers .
60 Otherwise judges are appointed from the ranks of barristers of at least ten or fifteen years ' standing and are likely to have had at least twenty years ' practice at the bar .
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