Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun sg] and [vb past] they " in BNC.

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1 But when they were switched on they blew the main fuses , which deprived them of lighting for the day and taught them why they had to rely on coal fires .
2 ANC leaders blamed President de Klerk 's government for the massacre and said they would not respond ‘ meekly ’ .
3 He collected cheque books for the account and used them to obtain nearly £7,000 in cash and property .
4 Before he fired the man , Judge Shindler heard from the rest of the jury that the wayward juror had DRUNK and SWORN during the trial and DISTRACTED them while they tried to listen to the evidence .
5 The man who had opened the emergency door identified himself as the co-pilot and informed them that the pilot who had been at the controls had been knocked unconscious at the moment of impact and was badly injured .
6 The sun was shining through the window and illuminated them .
7 We waited while policemen threaded their way through the crowd and hustled them away .
8 Not only that , it pulled some of them off the gate and threw them away .
9 ( Wringing her apron in mock indignation ) That 's the third time this week I 've picked his Good polyester-dacron trousers up off the floor and Hung them up in their crease .
10 before he was married his employer pictures off the wall and gave them to him
11 He tore small pieces of cotton wool off the wad and stuck them to his face with blood , while singing ‘ The Motherland hears , the Motherland knows ’ in a scratchy basso .
12 I took the two videos off the shelf and re-boxed them and as soon as
13 Nigel Buxton , 41 , swerved snarply across the road when he lifted both his hands off the wheel and ran them through his hair , Didcot magistrates heard .
14 He pulled Willie 's clothes from off the line and handed them to him .
15 ‘ It took all the stacks up — tons and tons — and simply took 'em up like that off the ground and scattered them over the fields .
16 George whipped the trousers off the table and placed them on a hanger which he attached to a wooden creel .
17 Police arrested them after the tragedy and held them for two days on suspicion of unlawful killing .
18 When I met them after the game and asked them what they thought , they said the highlight was listening to the girl behind them telling her mate that if Batty did n't start playing better then she 'd have to start denying him sex ! ! !
19 Earnestly , Oz scooped them out of the basket and held them towards the woman .
20 Jazzbeaux took the rubber ducks and Wally Whales out of the tub and threw them away , then turned on the shower , letting the water run .
21 They seized on every detail of the evidence and plastered them over their front pages .
22 I scrambled out of the trench and accompanied them through the trees to the farm .
23 He was glad that he did n't throw out the Christmas cards from his son and daughter in 1987 , for every year since he had taken them out of the suitcase on top of the wardrobe and displayed them in his own room as if they had come in with the morning post .
24 I left them as I approached No. 6 Commando positions and stood at the side of the road and watched them all pass by .
25 They put pins in their chairs , threw their clothes out of the window and locked them in the bathroom .
26 Then they dragged them to the edge of the platform and threw them on the track .
27 The commanding officer had given them more details of the crash and assured them that Whitey would have died quickly , although his body was badly burned .
28 Faster than a computer , Robyn 's mind reviewed these candidates for the target of the strike and rejected them all .
29 He cultivated members of the aristocracy and sprinkled them among his company boards to impress potential investors .
30 It 's because I leant against the wall at the end of the corridor and watched them .
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