Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun sg] [conj] have give " in BNC.

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1 One had tried using a hand-held scanner for the job but had given up because it made too many mistakes .
2 We are delighted to report that Lady More has agreed to become the first president of the Society and has given us a most generous donation in memory of her husband .
3 Spain was still deeply divided by the war and the choice of its commemorative dates ( such as " Victory Day " , or 18 July ) for the announcement of important political decisions was a tactic frequently used by Franco , reminding people that it was the outcome of the war that had given him the power to alter the country 's course as he thought fit .
4 It had been Mme Guérigny 's and Montaine 's intimacy with the creatures of the forest that had given them the idea of hiding their deserter in the cave .
5 The exercise had made the public familiar with the coalition and had given the local branches of the three parties experience in working together for a common purpose .
6 ‘ I want to put something back into the game that has given me a good life . ’
7 He betrayed no feelings to anyone in the country that had given him asylum .
8 I was helping Aunt Tone prepare stuff in the kitchen but had to give up when Lewis and Verity volunteered to assist as well , and then spent most of the time feeding one another little bits of food , goosing each other and going into sardinely-intimate huddles punctuated by low whispers , bursts of baboon-like giggles and convincingly porcine snorts .
9 During the later Middle Ages the turnover of names had been rapid , but afterwards an important group of middling farmers had put down roots in the parish and had given the community a sense of cohesiveness and continuity .
10 The author is a health visitor and she describes her work in the community as having given her a ‘ positive and hopeful picture ’ .
11 Just across on the Spanish side of the col is the opening of the fearsome gouffre in the limestone that has given the name Pierre-Saint-Martin a certain resonance .
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