Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun] of [noun] with " in BNC.

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1 Priority had to be given to the statutory duties of constructing and publishing procedures for the assessment of pupils with special needs and the monitoring of their progress .
2 We suspect that departments that have developed gastric emptying test protocols have , as we have , offered a service to clinicians within the region for the assessment of patients with symptoms possibly caused by abnormalities of gastric emptying .
3 Both these design aspects are important for the interoperability of television with computers , telecommunications and other media and applications .
4 Improved access to public transport for the majority of people with community care needs .
5 An organisation capable of attracting international attention , to which people would come as much for the opportunity of discussion with other visitors , as for the opportunity of seeing the Highland problem at first hand .
6 The Act also provides for the setting up of new procedures for the identification of children with special educational needs and for the establishment of a new definition for the term .
7 The use of this score is recommended for the selection of patients with high early mortality after variceal bleeding despite sclerotherapy , and for the design of new therapeutic trials .
8 To use another metaphor , if the world of education becomes a jungle of market forces , I fear for the survival of children with special needs .
9 By 1627 Buckingham 's pro-Catholic foreign policy had collapsed , and he was bent on a French war ; the need now was for the service of men with enough local influence to raise money for this purpose .
10 Thus both H pylori infection and acid induced gastric metaplasia are considered to be prerequisites for the development of duodenitis with polymorphonuclear activity and duodenal ulcer .
11 Cost centres : Each operational area of a department should be identified and treated as an independent unit for the purpose of accountancy with all items of cleaning expenditure identified .
12 It 's a temporary position , only three years , but there is obviously a desire on the part of the Embassy to integrate more , not only through the Accademia , but also for the purpose of contacts with English museums .
13 Given the ‘ action ’ orientation of our research project , the analysis of unknown heroin use centred on two specific tasks : assessing the size of the hidden sector and , thus , reaching an overall estimate of the number of heroin users , to enable the Borough of Wirral to forecast future demands on its services ; and identifying variations in the drug career patterns of users in the hidden sector as compared to those of known users , in particular the specific reasons for the lack of contact with agencies .
14 In a message published in the Basque-language newspaper Egin on March 12 ETA noted that its bombs were directed against " military targets " and called for the resumption of negotiations with the government on a truce .
15 This was the first effort by any European power to provide systematic training at a relatively high academic level for the conduct of relations with any part of the non-European world ; and the academy became an element of some significance in Habsburg diplomacy as a whole .
16 The Council for the Advancement of Communication with Deaf People ( CACDP ) , which promotes the instruction of hearing people in sign language , conducts examinations for students taking such courses , and administers a register of qualified sign language interpreters .
17 The necessity for scientists to find a justification for their endeavors is thrown into relief by this cartoon , which refers to a model exhibited before section B of the ‘ Mudfog Association , ’ a satirical creation of Charles Dickens who lampooned the British Association for the Advancement of Science with his ‘ Full Report of the Second Meeting of the Mudfog Association for the Advancement of Everything . ’
18 More than half did it just for the thrill of sex with someone new .
19 It 's been another day of unwanted exposure for the Duchess of York with yet more holiday snaps emblazoned across the tabloids .
20 The conflict was discussed at a meeting in Osh city on June 11 between Dzhumagulov and his Uzbek counterpart Shakurulla Mirsaidov , the latter denouncing calls during the conflict by Uzbek nationalists for the areas of Kirghizia with a majority Uzbek population to be declared autonomous or even ceded to Uzbekistan .
21 Then , ignoring her indignant gasp , he made for the chest of drawers with the clear intention of searching that also .
22 A new centre for the families of children with cancer has been opened by the Duchess of Kent .
23 Initially he provided an assessment and counselling service for the families of people with eating disorders .
24 The two colours and four suits , however , form systems ; they are essential for the organisation of games with cards just a linguistic systems are necessary for the organisation of a language .
25 The Soviet Union continued its diplomatic offensive in the region , finalizing arrangements for the exchange of ambassadors with Papua New Guinea and approaching the South Pacific Forum Fisheries Agency with a view to negotiating a multilateral fisheries agreement .
26 They have made their case for the ordination of women with obvious conviction , backed up with arguable facts ( in my opinion ) — but the whole argument is delivered in a studiously temperate and fair way that will impress even those who disagree with it .
27 Other reasons for the unpopularity of Ullapool with our lads were the lack of social relaxation and travel facilities .
28 The Report of the Data Protection Committee was published late in 1978 , a bad time for political initiatives : within a few months the new Conservative Government was in office and contenting itself with a fresh and laborious round of further consultations — there seemed little likelihood of anything being done until , in 1981 , the Council of Europe , as part of its concern with human rights , opened its ‘ Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Data Processing ’ for signature by States which had appropriate legislation enacted .
29 In Europe the primary legal instrument for data protection is the Council of Europe Convention ‘ for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data ’ , 1981 .
30 Chomsky 's work has also encouraged another set of assumptions in linguistics that have consequences for the models of literacy with which we are here concerned .
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