Example sentences of "[prep] those who [vb past] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Sentence of death was passed on 8 convicts at the Old Bailey , 4 of whom were executed on 15 Feb. : ‘ One of those who suffered was for robbing a farmer 's boy of sixpence . ’
2 Of managerial and professional workers unemployed in 1985 , 18.1 per cent had been without work for up to six months , compared to 12.2 per cent of those who had been without a job for between two and three years .
3 The survey showed that only one-third of those who had been on courses generated the training themselves .
4 ‘ By an odd coincidence only 8% of those who had been on strike got increases while 92% of those who had worked during the strike got increases ’ .
5 Well quite obviously if you are going to curtail something like that , some of those who had been on the police authorities will now find that they are not on the police authority and therefore that causes understandable anxiety and therefore rumpus .
6 In this connection it was agreed that Christine should add the names and addresses of those who had been at Carberry to her database .
7 Staff of institutions responded about 18 per cent of those who had been in residential homes for less than a year , 47 per cent of those in one for longer .
8 The proportions reported to have had difficulty with various aspects of caring for themselves ( getting in and out of a bath or shower , dressing and undressing , going to the toilet , washing and shaving , feeding themselves , making a hot drink , or needing help at night ) for a year or more before death was 87 per cent of those who had been in a residential home for a year or more , 60 per cent of those in for a shorter time and 25 per cent of those who had not been in such a home at all .
9 But many of the symptoms asked about were reported for similar proportions of those who had been in residential homes and those who had not ; these were pain , trouble with breathing , vomiting or feeling sick , drowsiness , sleeplessness , dry mouth or thirst , depression , loss of appetite , difficulty swallowing , dizziness , bed sores , an unpleasant smell , and backache .
10 Among this older group 46 per cent of those who had been in a residential home for a year or more were admitted , 75 per cent of the others .
11 In addition , among those for whom a staff member responded only one in twelve of those admitted during the last year of the life was felt to have had a good quality of life during that time compared with nearly half ( 46 per cent ) of those who had been in a home for a year or more .
12 A ballot organised by parents found that 94.3 per cent of those who voted were in favour of retaining the ILEA ; and 51.6 per cent of those entitled to vote rejected abolition .
13 An estimated 70 per cent of those who voted were in favour of the new constitution which enshrined a unitary state and reduced the powers of the president .
14 At 46 per cent the turnout was too low ( due to an opposition boycott ) to allow the required 50 per cent of the 7,000,000 voters in Serbia to approve the constitutional amendment , although 95 per cent of those who voted were in favour of early elections .
15 But if the comparison between those who had been in a home and others is confined to those for whom relatives , neighbours or friends were interviewed , there is still a difference : 31 per cent against 19 per cent .
16 On the other hand , more efficient production was a significant benefit to those who had been on courses .
17 In 1902 he founded the Public Schools Alpine Sports Club and although this was snobbishly restricted to those who had been to a British public school , the club was instrumental in establishing winter sports as a popular type of holiday .
18 Even as the company got bigger , the familial atmosphere on which Virgin had been built in the early Seventies stayed strong , a flame that was kept alight by those who had been with Virgin since the earliest days , until it became a myth , self-perpetuating and strong enough to touch any newcomer to the organisation , strong enough to have even Richard Branson in its grip .
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