Example sentences of "[prep] her [noun sg] [coord] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It moulded itself about her waist and it felt warm and rather safe , as if it might be armouring her against the evils in here .
2 Anyway , that was the theory about her disappearance and it changed from being a theory to being referred to as what had probably happened and then later still it was accepted .
3 Linda became a target for abuse from others who knew about her friendship but it did n't worry her .
4 He said he had a daughter about her age but she did n't really like sailing .
5 He cared about her pleasure and she responded to him more strongly than she had with anyone .
6 There had been fears for her life but she had recovered .
7 ‘ She thought she would get more for her money and she felt it was a more friendly environment than perhaps Liverpool or somewhere like that . ’
8 said I 've got to get this one back for her mum or whatever said I 'm in a hurry then I met some guy on the field , talking to him and er
9 It transpired the reason why I was put on the works was because there was another woman on the works with the same surname who 'd gone to Holloway for her appeal and they thought she 'd come back and had got us mixed up .
10 ‘ Yes , ’ Erika agreed that it would be a nice change for her mother but she looked at Omi , sitting quietly in her chair .
11 The old lady was quite sprightly for her age but it took a long time for them both to reach the top floor .
12 She looks young for her age and she acts young .
13 but er Barry come off her husband and he said oh you going down oh I says aye , he saves us fifty pence and I got you in your bread and a pie , right , er I want the erm , did Billy take the dishes up ?
14 He leaned closer still , his warm breath ruffling through her hair and she had to fight against an almost overwhelming desire to lay her head on his broad shoulder and feel his arms close around her .
15 Lucy 's hand moved through her hair and she clenched her teeth against the tantalising sensation .
16 The words murmured through her hair and she nodded , barely able to speak .
17 The movement lanced pain through her head and she gasped , her face contorted .
18 Odd sensations chased through her body and she found herself gasping for air .
19 I mean I did n't realise cos she had these lumps coming out of her chest and I thought she had cancer .
20 One rather exciting will home made will I hasten to add I dealt with last year , the lady of some who was not getting on with her husband and I think although I 'm not absolutely sure that the handwriting is that of her sister and we have this form filled in and it mentioned the bank or special savings account and it mentioned the premium bonds and it mentioned everything in the back bedroom and the linen in the linen and the linen cupboard because she 'd brought all this lot and it failed to appoint an executor and it failed to deal with the residuary estate it meant that technically there was a partial intestacy , as there was a partial intestacy the rules applied to that , first person to inherit ?
21 ‘ That afternoon the matron of Abigail 's hospital rang from Bristol to tell us her lungs had finally got the better of her heart and she 'd died an hour ago .
22 Ronni could hear the beating of her heart and she fancied she could hear the beat of Guido 's , too — beating with hopeless love for Silvia .
23 ‘ Make way for the Lord Mayor , ’ she said one day on the front steps , as she moved her bucket aside , and he , bending over her , said , ‘ Many a true word spoken in jest , Rosie , ’ to which she had reacted quickly , saying , ‘ Yes , Mr Jones ; but those who sit on horsehair chairs generally get their bums scratched , ’ bringing from him the reaction of a push on the side of her head and their laughing together .
24 His other hand flattened against the trunk at the side of her head and he stared down at her , his eyes brilliant with the anger sparking in their depths , his mouth firm , only inches away from her own .
25 And you know the bit where erm she 's in bed and the hand comes out from behind the pillow and it goes over the back of her head and she goes , she goes , she was so cute she goes , she goes , what a pile of shit ! and when , you know when she cleans up all the cornflakes ?
26 Jill Duffy is certainly highly involved with the state of her home and she does a great deal of housework that many other people would consider unnecessary .
27 In a letter to Minnie , who seemed the natural recipient of the account she wished to give , she described how — when first she was taken ill Minnie , which I expect you have heard of from Miss Arabel , who I dare say was given a terrible fright as were we all , many despaired of her life but I did not and I am pleased to say my faith was justified .
28 He stepped out of her way and she took a deep breath as she ran to the door and slammed it shut behind her .
29 He followed the direction of her gaze and she nodded .
30 He moved his palm along the curve of her shoulder and she shivered with delight as the rough , calloused hand scorched her skin .
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