Example sentences of "[prep] if he do [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He has a way of standing with his hands by his side or behind his back , as if he does n't know what on earth to do with them .
2 Dad looked as if he did n't care what happened any more .
3 as if he did n't care whether he did or not .
4 Jealous of Lubor ? ’ and did n't know where she was when , as if he did n't think much of sitting opposite her in one chair while she had the huge couch all to herself , Ven suddenly moved from his chair and came and sat down next to her on the couch .
5 A skinny man who looked as if he did n't sleep nights .
6 Dacourt , however , was dressed as if he did n't give a damn , in sloppy jerkin and breeches which would have shamed an intelligent plough boy .
7 His mouth was open and drooling and his tongue lolling between his lips and his eyes staring as if he did n't see her and everything about him red , and his hands bruised her skin where he tugged at her to move her where he wanted her , and he was making awful noises and pushing at her and pushing at her without the slightest gentleness almost as if he did n't realise it was her .
8 But now his intellectual horizons had shrunk to debates about motorways or endless conversations about the right school for one 's child , it was as if he did n't want to remember the Henry who had once promised a little more than that .
9 Uncle Albert looked as if he did n't want to get involved .
10 He just nodded as if he did n't want to speak , and then at the bottom ( it was vanity , I could n't bear to be lumped with Caroline ) I said , I 'm sorry my aunt said that at Kenwood .
11 ‘ But every now and then , his eyes slid over to look at me , almost as if he did n't want them to , but could n't help it .
12 This time Julius kept his gaze fixed on the road ahead , as if he did n't want her to see his eyes .
13 His hand clasped warmly around hers , detaining her as if he did n't want her to go .
14 ‘ I think neither of us had a choice for a while , ’ she offered , and he made a slight movement of denial , as if he did n't want to believe it .
15 It was almost as if he did n't want to have anything to do with her .
16 Steve asked reproachfully as if he did n't want to get blamed if it had n't .
17 His mouth was open and drooling and his tongue lolling between his lips and his eyes staring as if he did n't see her and everything about him red , and his hands bruised her skin where he tugged at her to move her where he wanted her , and he was making awful noises and pushing at her and pushing at her without the slightest gentleness almost as if he did n't realise it was her .
18 Apparently Dr. Lorrimer did n't take him his early tea this morning and it looks as if he did n't come home last night .
19 Julius looked as if he did n't like the idea of them being opposites .
20 Exuding hope ? he said , as if he did n't understand English any more .
21 ‘ Oh yes ! ’ he said as if he did n't believe me , ‘ and what were you doing all last night ? ’
22 as if he did n't have enough to worry about .
23 as if he did n't have enough to worry about already !
24 Jimmy gulped and sat down on a chair beside the bed almost as if he did n't trust his legs to support him .
25 Otley was looking the other way as if he did n't know me when I tried again with a pleasant , motherly woman with a shopping basket full of goodies .
26 Occasionally I 'd get up in the morning and there he 'd be in the kitchen , eating furiously , as if he did n't know where his next grub was coming from , as if each day was an adventure that could end anywhere .
27 Philip asked , as if he did n't know .
28 He held the gun as if he did n't know what it was , and looked at her .
29 His hair was untidy ; his long thin hands hung below the leather-bound sleeves of the green corduroy jacket , dangling awkwardly as if he did n't know what to do with them .
30 He came — she felt the moment in pain and sadness — but he continued to move , banging at her , clutching just that part of her that he needed , as if he 'd felt nothing , as if he did n't know when to stop .
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