Example sentences of "[prep] if they have [adv] been " in BNC.

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1 For this one date they were supported by the Billy Harper Trio with Peter Stuart and Adrian Tilbrook on bass and drums and they fitted in as if they 'd all been on tour together .
2 But Patsy and Tim wanted a few simple cupboards painted white , made to look as if they 'd always been there .
3 They lifted their heads from the stones and squinted , as if they 'd only been half aware of interlopers .
4 as if they 'd never been .
5 She was unmaking all her day 's work , making love with him as if they 'd never been together before .
6 When they recovered , there was no destruction of the heart , lungs and they could go back and work , a young person , as if they 'd never been ill .
7 Their painted eyes seemed to be full of a malignant resentment , as if they 'd once been living horses that had been turned to wood by an enchantment .
8 What 's the point of being aggressive with somebody when they 're gon na walk away feeling as if they 've just been walked all over , so you 've still got the same situation you 've got one person walking away feeling a little bit fed up and the other person not so if you talk about assertiveness in terms of aggression and in terms of submission i.e. there 's going to be a winner and there 's going to be a loser depending which way round you look at it then you still have n't quite grasped what we mean by assertiveness .
9 but , sort of like er , erm its like so , some of those paintings of the wraps and beautiful boat , they look as if they 've just been photographed , they looked as if they 're a photograph not a oil , oil painting .
10 Yeah , it looks as if they 've just been sort of put in in a heap
11 That and the fact that new players who have come in looked as if they 've always been there . ’
12 as if they 've ever been left behind as regards the treatment of black people !
13 He looked slightly past them as if they had already been and gone .
14 A Scottish Office official responded that the list of potential sites had been published and local authorities were being asked to deal with any development proposals as if they had already been designated as SPAs .
15 At the eleventh hour , he underestimated the Stealers — as if they had only been his playthings .
16 Strange that he should seem so familiar to her now ; as if they had always been close .
17 He put out his arms and caught her and held her , and they stood there on the gravel path in the grounds of Hilderbridge General Hospital , embraced as if they had long been lovers and had known each other with profound emotion and physical joy and had been parted only to meet again now , by chance , so felicitously .
18 ‘ It was as if they had all been locked up for three days the way they rushed in , ’ said a security man who saw the 8.30am rush .
19 Many with whom she had shared the screen for a brief while , people whom she had revered , who had even seemed to define life — such as Akhmatova and Pasternak and Vysotsky — had already slipped out of the plot , and the film churned on as if they had never been .
20 The lino on the floor was scuffed and torn , the windows nearly opaque with grime , and the walls looked as if they had never been repainted since the place was constructed .
21 Claire sat down , as they had done so many times together , and the years fell away as if they had never been apart and she had never married .
22 It was as if she stood in a noisy limbo ; all the yesterdays had gone as if they had never been and all the tomorrows were no more than a tantalising promise .
23 It is almost as if they had never been wild elephants — but only the day before yesterday , they were .
24 Reinstatement involves treating employees as if they had never been dismissed .
25 Sometimes people or Men changed for a moment into some semblance of shape , but then they moved and the mist drifted and they were gone as if they had never been .
26 The words and his tone lit a glorious fire in Merrill 's blood that consumed the weeks of misery and suspicion as if they had never been .
27 The lecture theatre resonates like a drum with the chatter of a hundred-odd students , all talking at once , as if they have just been released from solitary confinement .
28 None of your so-called friends look as if they have exactly been renowned for their brains , do they ? ’
29 Chords based on whole-tones can occur in many other systems , even in diatonic harmony ( e.g. the ninth chord G , B , F , A ) , but of course they sound perfectly in place and not as if they have merely been temporarily extracted from the whole-tone system .
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