Example sentences of "[prep] if [pron] [was/were] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He 'd carry on as if nothing was the matter , though some days his face was grey with pain .
2 At the base of these cliffs , almost as if they had been hewn in the rock by men , were three , four or five cave-mouths , chamber-like , as if they were a row of monastic cells in some monastery .
3 The Reverend Foster 's beady eyes fixed on the children fumbling for their donations as if they were a parcel of juicy worms to be swooped on if they tried to wriggle away .
4 Now , with the stilling of the engines , the sudden silence was so absolute that he saw the three motionless figures as if they were a tableau of dummies in a silent world .
5 When we looked out the sea-gulls did seem to be weaving in and out and making rather strange but happy sounds — almost as if they were a bit tipsy — and as it turned out , such was the case .
6 He scrutinized the documents as if they were a puzzle picture in which he had to spot the deliberate mistakes .
7 She prowled among the desks and glowered at the action boards as if they were a bunch of football hooligans .
8 Still gripping the blankets as if they were a lifeline , she stared back at fitzAlan , completely speechless .
9 I accepted all of this without thinking it in any way unusual , even though my father used to boast about Billy 's achievements as if they were a matter for civic pride .
10 The Japanese preference is to treat suppliers as if they were a department of their own firm — sharing design work and swapping ideas on quality control and manufacturing methods — but one that , because it is separate , is subject to market disciplines .
11 Surely it is time we stopped talking of elephants as if they were a commodity to be traded , like so many cans of paint , and accept them for what they are , ancient and splendid fellow inhabitants of the earth who share with us the joys of close kinship bonds and grieve when they are severed .
12 Then with slow deliberation they walked on , their spades clasped to them , as if they were a band of ancient warriors .
13 It has to do partly with the feeling , particularly powerful in the 19th century , that the proper role of education , at least at the top end , was to equip gentlemen to run the Empire ; and it seemed reasonable at the time to concentrate not upon mechanics , but upon grand ideals , and the classics were studied as if they were a form of theology , a way of revealing fundamental and lasting human truths This , perhaps , is why anti-science is strongest in Britain , because we took Empire most seriously .
14 You encounter as if they were a sort of home Fountains of fern that jet from the coarse loam .
15 He ordered that the proceeds of sale be treated as if they were the cargo for all purposes .
16 If a husband and wife are the adopters they have the same rights as against one another , and as against the adopted child , as if they were the child 's natural father and mother .
17 She then asks what kind of day each has had , telling them to answer as if they were the other .
18 But it was as if there was a halter on his tongue .
19 Use a little star to indicate which is the asymmetric centre which kiral centre and all it means is that if you were to dra , if you had a a kiral molecule in other words , it had four different groups attached to it what it means is that it and it 's mirror image , this is the way you actually draw it and answer the questions you draw you draw it as if there was a mirror image .
20 The fingers scooped at the pages as if there was a reference that was familiar .
21 Not a lot , not saying much , but offering observations voluntarily , as if there was a relationship between them .
22 It 's not as if there was a stash of notes that he could extort from Stone and take away with him .
23 By the time he had managed to crawl on to the bed , dragging such scarves as he could find to shield his eyes , for the curtains were only flimsy cotton of a summer rented house , all annoyance , all regret for the wasted day , all intentions , all straining for activity , was gone , absorbed into the panic that connected — as if there was a piston rod — his throbbing head , the lights crossing behind his eyeballs and his churning stomach .
24 First , we should not necessarily measure different kinds of information media against one another as if there was a competition taking place to find the most powerful way of communicating with people .
25 It is not as if there was a competition involved , or any tie-breaker , but rather just a sales promotion .
26 ‘ I do n't think so , ’ she said , but she expressed the truth so artfully it sounded almost as if there was a possibility .
27 It was almost as if there was a devil inside him .
28 It was as if there was a wave of water and the wave turned a wheel and the wheel turned a cog and the cog turned a piston and the piston punched out a wave , bigger and more overwhelming than the first wave , turning a bigger wheel , a bigger cog , a bigger piston and then finally a wave that seemed enough to swallow everything in its path .
29 ‘ I 'm so sorry , a stupid , helpless old fool , ’ Mrs Hobbs whispered , and I felt as if there was a weight on my chest , choking me .
30 ‘ It sounded to me as if there was a lot of explosives in the van .
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