Example sentences of "[prep] their [noun sg] [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This morning I observed all of them returning home in single file after their dawn patrol around the valley and as usual mother was leading the way with father in the middle keeping the unruly youngsters in hand .
2 My time in submarines had brought me closer to people of a totally different background and I had learnt a great deal from my sailors about their home circumstances before the war .
3 Every day the children worry about their Hallowe'en costumes for the school fancy dress parade .
4 A group of eight black boys in this discussion reveal how they feel about certain teachers making derogatory comments about their skin colour in the form of a joke , and also how it affects them emotionally when this takes place in front of the class .
5 The first questionnaire was about their driving experience including the questions about accidents and near misses that were reported in Study 1 .
6 When a beam of light strikes the atoms or molecules of the medium , the electrons are perturbed or displaced and oscillate about their equilibrium positions with the same frequency as the exciting beam .
7 The CIS have chosen the London race as their selection point for the remaining two places in the Barcelona Olympics .
8 Or will they attempt to funnel more business through their factoring subsidiaries on the grounds that they are better placed than the local branch managers to monitor the banks ' exposure to risk ?
9 Those leafing through their history books for an earlier model for the current recession could linger fruitfully over the pages that cover the 1870s .
10 But airlines were unlikely to be able to finance more than half the aircraft they ordered through their balance sheets on an outright ownership basis .
11 The East Lancashire Railway has celebrated its receipt of the Steam Heritage Award for their steam crane in the scheme sponsored by the Transport Trust and the ARPS .
12 Psychiatrists were consulted for their expert diagnosis of the Teddy Boy condition , and from America it was reported that chlorpromazine — a heavy tranquilliser , and one of the new ‘ wonder drugs ’ entering into use in the mid-1950s for the control of excited schizophrenics — seemed to quieten Teddy Boys down .
13 ANGLO-Pakistani cricketing relations were strained again last night after the Pakistanis formally objected to Tom Graveney — the match referee for their Test series in the West Indies , writes Giles Smith .
14 HESWALL 'S Ian Spencer leads the contingent of north west hopefuls bidding for their tour cards at the annual European School at Montpellier in the south of France from November 13-18 .
15 The methods used for controlling debate are the power to apply the closure by a simple majority , though normally the majority must consist of a hundred members ; the power to send bills upstairs for their committee stage to a standing committee and the power , when bills are taken on the floor of the House or in committee , to impose a guillotine .
16 Company-based amateurism is not real amateurism because owners try to invite excellent domestic or foreign players for their company clubs with the assurance of company works , as Sugawara said in his letter .
17 Each package is independently analysed by two individuals , chosen not only for their specialist knowledge of the industry but also for their understanding of open learning techniques .
18 In all 3,200 middle-aged men were given either beta blockers or diuretics for their blood pressure over a 10-year period .
19 He commended er local authorities , he commended Labour controlled local authorities for their collection rate of the council tax and for their collection rate of rents .
20 No doubt some partners would object — and legitimately so — to the latter route and , I suspect , in a number of cases several would not put aside sufficient for their tax payments in the former .
21 Both men left hurriedly for their meeting place with the LRDG where they waited in vain for a week for stragglers to come in .
22 CPRW hopes that the Secretary of State will grasp the opportunity now before him to alter the pattern of development which has characterised this site for several decades , by challenging once and for all the aspiration of the current and any future owner , to establish a large and permanent residence for their tourist operations on the cliffs above Amroth .
23 AMATEUR drama lovers have vowed the show will go on despite being bombed out of the venue for their drama finals for the second time in two days .
24 The Durham Players had found the base for their pageant wagon in a farmyard , to which it had to be returned .
25 Ĺeonie 's birthday was a week after Thérèse 's , in mid July , just before she and Madeleine set off for their summer holidays with the family in France .
26 The Lakeland Players are preparing for their curtain call at the Ardhowen Theatre in Enniskillen .
27 The rabbits were introduced in furtherance of sport and for their food value by the landowners of the time .
28 The Caribou Indians , who lived to the west of Hudson Bay in Canada , were dependent for their food supply on the caribou herds .
29 They are members of the Moroccan Royal family and were renowned for their playboy antics in the Sixties .
30 ‘ Even sceptics have to admit that the French have something to show for their research efforts over the past two years ’ concedes one scientific counsellor at a foreign embassy in Paris .
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