Example sentences of "[prep] what [modal v] be the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was quite coincidental that June , by her search for a new life in California , drew him towards what would be the hub of the rest of his life and it was touch and go whether he stayed or went back to Neptune .
2 He represents , perhaps , the abstraction with which the fashionable intelligentsia of the capitalist West can contemplate warfare , towards what may be the end of almost half a century of unprecedented peace in their part of the world .
3 The grass sloped gently away from the college towards what must be the bank of the stream he had mentioned earlier .
4 And in a way this interferes with acting in advance of the disaster , or indeed acting perhaps not immediately , but spending a little time considering what might be the priority needs and then going in with it .
5 Chen said in a message to employees that the Eau Claire , Wisconsin company had designed and tested a prototype of what would be the world 's fastest supercomputer , and industry executives familiar with the project separately told Reuter that the prototype appeared to be a viable machine with a solid architecture .
6 There 's erm there 's always a tension for those of us who are parents , particularly those of us who erm send our children to the state schools , as to erm what 's in the best interests of our own particular individual child and what might be in the best interests of all the children in the area in which we live , and erm this vote was an invitation to think only , very selfishly , of what might be the situation for our children , and I 'm very glad that erm many parents in Banbury thought of children in general living in North Oxfordshire and erm realise that you ca n't just take one limb of an education service and send it off spinning into its own orbit and not expect the rest to suffer .
7 A more substantial criticism of this line of thinking is that , being sociological and stating what is the case , it does not offer us any positive conception of what could be the case .
8 Feminists have accused political sociologists of substituting their own views of what should be the case in the place of evidence .
9 Instead , he was alone with what could be the beginning of a collection of oriental carpets , and pining , however slightly , for a young girl one-half his age .
10 We are interested not in what might be the case ( of course anything is possible ) but in what would be the case , and the theory captures that interest by focusing only on the nearest relevant worlds .
11 We are interested not in what might be the case ( of course anything is possible ) but in what would be the case , and the theory captures that interest by focusing only on the nearest relevant worlds .
12 I welcome this book on two major counts : first , because it succeeds in what should be the aim of every author , that is to educate and entertain , and secondly because it has been written by a very knowledgeable person who genuinely cares for his dogs , has bred a consistent type for many years and has put as much into the ‘ dog game ’ as he has taken out .
13 Niki 's phlegm about the whole incident can be summed up in what must be the driver 's quote of the decade : ‘ There is no point in having a complex about losing half an ear . ’
14 Three men sat outside what must be the village inn .
15 For example , civil servants collected information and press cuttings on the bombing of a school at Getalfe , in Madrid , in October 1936 , when 70 children were killed in horrific circumstances , and pondered over what would be the effect on public morale if a similar event were to happen in Britain .
16 Not as far as I 'm aware at least not I 've read as to what would be the effect of that .
17 All kinds of suggestions could be made as to what would be the effect of the major changes which GATT and the CAP reform would bring about .
18 It was for this same reason that José Antonio Primo de Rivera , while supporting the military rising , had harboured serious doubts as to what might be the fate of his party in the event of a triumph by the military .
19 What follows is a personal view , rather than official PRO policy , and is intended to stimulate discussion as to what might be the model legal and cultural infrastructure for such activities .
20 Indeed it may well be intended as a statement as to what should be the case in the eschaton .
21 So the British Government was required to introduce legislation to regulate the circumstances in which the power to tap may be used , but no guidance was given as to what should be the content of the legislation .
22 There will be disputes as to what should be the constitution .
23 Can I ask our officer to comment on what would be the effect of reducing our importance have on our , hopefully potential ?
24 The rest of this chapter will set down three broad and differing perspectives on what should be the form of a new constitution for Britain .
25 For the fourth time in its five year history , the ARC , the Atlantic Rally for Cruisers , has been bedevilled by light winds on what should be the tradewind route from the Canary Islands to the West Indies .
26 A useful outcome is the third ingredient , for what would be the point of skills that led you to a useless outcome ?
27 Later in the programme , a look at what could be the car of the future .
28 ‘ Do n't they teach you anything at that school ? ’ inquired Brian , not without some satisfaction at what must be the child 's discomfiture .
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