Example sentences of "[prep] say that it [vb mod] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Aunt Sarah was right in saying that it would take five days to reach Liverpool , since the barge could go no faster than the horse which pulled it .
2 IBM is usually pretty forthcoming about the markets that it foresees for its products , but in this case limits itself to saying that it will appeal to professionals who would prefer ‘ easy-to-remember voice commands ’ to complicated keystrokes or mouse movements .
3 Moreover , Bismarck sold the idea of the Empire to the other states by saying that it would contain Prussia .
4 On May 28 UK Secretary of State for Defence Tom King dispelled speculation that the Rapid Reaction Force would be predominantly European by saying that it would include a US army division .
5 Even Moran had to admit it though he dismissed it as well by saying that it would have done well enough for the likes of him as it had been .
6 Now the hardware side , Sun Microsystems Computer Corp has responded to the waves of criticism by saying that it will make its silicon designs available to some semiconductor fabricators so that they can make , sell and support chips based on those designs worldwide .
7 Which is it — massive increases in normal basic income tax , or does the Labour party intend to reject all the spending plans with which it has conned the electorate by saying that it will engage in them ?
8 Will the Minister confirm or deny that his Department is now threatening local authorities that plan new builds , by saying that it will take away discretionary housing grants ?
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