Example sentences of "[prep] that [vb past] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was the duty of the ruling sultan , at least in principle , to extend so far as he could the area controlled by true believers at the expense of that ruled by Christian infidels .
2 Rural population growth has had a distinctive regional pattern , which is , of course , the inverse of that observed for rural depopulation .
3 When James succeeded his brother Charles as king in 1685 he showed that he was willing to make the power of the Crown more effective in North America by pressing on with the creation of the Dominion of New England , but he had neither the surplus revenue nor the obedient bureaucracy needed to run a system like that applied by continental monarchs .
4 There may be a vulva-vaginitis and the discharge is sometimes frothy like that found in trichomonal infection .
5 Other hardware and software would be shared with that acquired for other projects .
6 As a predominantly middle-class cause , Spanish republicanism , and in particular its more reform-minded elements , suffered from the lack of a truly broad popular base , comparable with that enjoyed by French republicanism , within a numerous and vigorous lower-middle class and peasantry .
7 The extent of the reported inhibition is comparable with that found in other studies using similar amounts of calcium carbonate or calcium lactate .
8 One way to test this possibility is to ask direct questions about the incidence of these experiences in housework , and compare them with that reported by other groups of workers .
9 The definition of breakdown now adopted is in line with that used by other companies .
10 The relationship they found between work organisation and plant size was in line with that predicted by organisational contingency theory , namely that the small plants had very unbureaucratic , simple forms of organisation .
11 More demonstrably , however , there has in the past been evidence of some feeling in Parliament that the Comptroller and Auditor General should be given the power to audit all public money voted by Parliament , including that voted to nationalized industries .
12 In the Curragh Affair of 1914 some British officers appeared to claim to stand for a special national interest above that asserted by civilian politicians and their attitude would have been understood by professional soldiers in other countries .
13 The principles of exercise for coronary patients is no different from that applied to normal individuals trying to get fit .
14 But otherwise the meaning they carry is not of a radically different sort from that carried by lexical roots , and grammatical and lexical elements frequently interact semantically .
15 Here , it is assumed that the severity of any language problem is indicated by the extent to which a child 's language differs from that found among other children of a similar age .
16 Our study population may have been different from that examined in other studies in respect of different bowel habits ( less consistent diarrhoea in our patients ) .
17 This letter has a different format from that used in previous years — again , the result of widespread consultation with centres .
18 It also seems that unemployment , the chief cause of poverty during the inter-war period , resulted in a different outlook from that induced by pre-World War I poverty , which was caused primarily by low wages .
19 Now , on the face of it , the problem of obtaining the finance is no different from that faced by local authorities every day .
20 Hardly surprising that meetings at the DoH have been know to take a different turn from that envisaged by civil servants .
21 The usage of ‘ rule ’ by biologists is clearly different from that employed by social scientists when they talk about verbally transmitted instructions for what humans may and may not do .
22 However , the gradient depicted is not particularly different from that defined for northern Germany accepting that the relative displacement from Teichmüller 's curve can be attributed to uplift and erosion .
23 It exists in common law but enjoys a special status beyond that enjoyed by other principles of common law .
24 This never came to trial and in the autumn he sold the land to IBM for a price similar to that received by other farmers , with a sum for damages much smaller than that he had sought in his suit .
25 Students of human memory have long recognized that performance on a retrieval task tends to be superior when the test context is similar to that experienced during initial training .
26 The transcription products were quantitated by densitometry ; P A2b activity is expressed in each case relative to that observed with supercoiled DNA at the lowest ionic strength assayed , which is considered as 100% .
27 ‘ The pattern … is similar to that observed with disastrous results in the drug users in the Muirhouse area of Edinburgh in the 1980s .
28 ‘ It has been assumed by many that this will lead to a system of ‘ educational inheritance ’ directly comparable to that observed in capitalist societies ’ ( Giddens 1981 , pp. 231–2 ) .
29 In addition , many components of jet-lag — altered sleep , fatigue , loss of appetite , changed bowel movements — are found , and the rate of adjustment of the body rhythms to a simulated time-zone transition is similar to that observed after real transitions .
30 Percentage measures of performance should therefore be compared to that expected from random selection .
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