Example sentences of "[prep] his [noun sg] of [v-ing] the " in BNC.

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1 Frana is ranked 87 in the world and Wilkinson , who also won two matches at the Stella Artois championships at Queen 's Club last week , will continue to move nearer his goal of reaching the top 100 .
2 What did I think of his idea of linking the poems with short passages elaborating and co-ordinating the motifs of the poem before and the one to follow ?
3 We are readily persuaded to postpone any criticisms we may have of his mode of telling the story , and the next two lines make it clear that the tale is only there to bring out a moral .
4 As Stephen talked of his intention of having the bog fenced off immediately , Tamar sat by her dressing table while Tempy brushed her hair .
5 live in ghettos , but as part of his policy of diminishing the power of the traditional landowning classes , he decreed in 1927 that they could own land , vote and live outside the ghettos .
6 On the merits of sending a US peace envoy to Northern Ireland , Mr Paisley said in the letter : ‘ The vicious plan of blackmail which Albert Reynolds is now employing with his threat of getting the USA to appoint an envoy will be resisted by the majority unionist community .
7 Schorne 's real fame in picture and text lay invariably in his exploit of trapping the Devil in his boot , but what , if any , incident or allegory underlay this celebration remains completely obscure .
8 He seemed totally absorbed in his task of steering the boat , and for a while there was a silence broken only by the sound of Water Gypsy 's diesel engine .
9 At the end of March , the Crown Prince and his Chief-of-Staff , von Knobelsdorf , were still dedicated to the capture of Verdun , come what may ; equally , Falkenhayn was still true ( in his indecisive fashion ) to his aim of bleeding the French Army to death at Verdun , regardless of whether or not the city fell in the process .
10 In November the communists objected to his practice of reserving the right to nominate particular people for particular ministries .
11 The restoration of the once-derelict mill was carried out by Wilf Medlam who steadfastly stuck to his policy of using the correct parts and materials wherever possible .
12 ‘ All through the day of the funeral , ’ said Sherrin , ‘ the solemnity , the pomp and the processing poured out of the television and Michael , who was sitting at home watching it all , was inspired to address the nation through the character of Byron and to explain the impact on his generation of discovering the greatness of the dead ex-Prime Minister .
13 One morning I saw Mrs Goreng 's chauffeur grinning as he went about his chore of servicing the jeep .
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